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Vienna, the City That You Fall in Love in Less Than an Hour

By Poundtravel
Vienna, the city that you fall in love in less than an hour

vienna the city

Stay a few days before Christmas in Vienna is an opportunity to infuse your soul and mind the spirit of the winter holidays in a beautiful city, full of charm and special places. “Weekend Truth” shows you how the atmosphere of holidays in the Austrian capital and what goals are worth visiting.  Before being able to live the dream of seeing Vienna, the city truly magical holiday of Austria, However, fatigue road nearly a thousand kilometers suddenly disappears as soon as you go to Vienna to watch the evening and let yourself be seduced without the slightest opposition from the animation of the city, shops colorful and elegant buildings you encounter even the smallest street. Sound of Music Strauss or Mozart in Vienna sounded like even if, in fact, there’s no speaker around. A delightful paradox that you can live if you get there. Vienna – Wikipedia Vienna is the capital and largest city of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is …. Within Austria, Vienna was seen as a centre of socialist politics, for which it was sometimes referred to as “Red Vienna”. The city was a stage to the …

The greenest city in Europe We had the chance to stay at a fancy hotel – Austria Trend Hotel Ananas (where rooms cost in December 60-70 euros per night on average), next to a subway station -Pilgramgasse – and about twenty minutes walk down by the City of Vienna and its beautiful Christmas market. Once you start to step through the Austrian capital, it takes one hour to fall in love with her. But you fall in love forever. Vienna has charm, has elegance and has intelligence. Yes, it is a really smart city: it is the greenest city in Europe, with almost 50% of its area occupied by the parks and green spaces; It has several museums and concert halls than any other city on the planet. In Vienna, the city with the highest quality of life in the world in the last seven years (according to research conducted by consultancy company Mercer), transport is probably the most efficient in Europe and the prices for subscriptions are even lower as Romania, if we take into account prices for all public transport in Bucharest, ie 7.6 euros and 48 euros a day for a month.

The online travel guide for Vienna – VIENNA – Now. Forever The official online travel guide for the city of Vienna, with information about sights, events and hotel bookings, and the Vienna Card. To reach the center of Vienna must pass and the main shopping district, known Mariahilfestrasse where take first contact with the spirit of the holiday season. Everything is illuminated “a giorno” and tens of thousands of lights suspended over the street in all kinds of shapes make you happy as a child. And speaking of holiday spirit, wieners are so imbued with this spirit that adorn Christmas trees were placed and toilets in shopping centers. Such a Christmas tree I found the bathroom a center of the Mariahilfestrasse. A toilet fitted so pleasant that it seemed a modern art gallery.
schonbrunn palace vienna
Schönbrunn Palace, where entry costs 16.4 euros (grand tour with audio guide is complete and therefore most appropriate), most visitors are all Romanians. And there something struck me: I saw hundreds of kindergarten children coming to visit Schönbrunn. The palace are many activities for children, activities that make them love history through play, including kings and queens dressed up. Schönbrunn Palace – once the summer residence of the imperial family – is one of the most beautiful baroque architectural complexes in Europe. It is in possession of the Habsburg dynasty since 1569. In 1642, the wife of Emperor Ferdinand II ordered the construction of a summer palace and called this first “Schönbrunn”. Turkish siege of the palace erected after 1696 and the park was redeveloped fundamental Maria Teresa after 1743. For most of the year, the Habsburgs lived in many rooms that numerous members of the imperial family needed spaces in addition to representative . In 1830, Emperor Franz Joseph was born here, who married the charming Sisi and reigned between 1848-1916. Today, the palace is part of UNESCO’s cultural heritage due to its historic importance, its unique location and its splendid furnishings. The palace has 1,441 rooms, of which only 45 can be visited. Furniture and interior decoration in rococo style (especially white stucco ornaments in 14 karat gold leaf) are complemented by Bohemian crystal chandeliers and porcelain stoves. The Hall of Mirrors has performed Mozart when he was a child prodigy, aged only 6 years. And all the Schönbrunn stood Napoleon between 1805 and 1809 after serving Vienna. Schönbrunn Opening times, admission prices and online tickets for Vienna’s number-one attraction. All you have to know for your visit to Schönbrunn! Visit also the park and … From Schönbrunn, going seven underground stations to get to Vienna emblem Dome St. Stephen. Raising the building began in the twelfth century. Today, it is the most significant Gothic building in Austria. Dome of St. Stephen measuring 107.2 meters long and 34.2 meters wide. It has four towers, the tallest being the southern, with 136.44 meters. Cell tower is accessible to those who can climb 343 steps, which opens a beautiful view over Vienna. Here are 13 bells hung in total. The most famous bell of Lord St. Stephen, called Pummerin, but is in the north tower measuring 68.3 meters. This is the second largest church bell functional swing freely in Europe. Dome roof of St. Stephen decorated with colored tiles forming the imperial double-headed eagle and coat of arms of the city of Vienna and Austria. Countless personalities have found their final resting place in the Dome of St. Stephen: Emperor Friedrich III was buried in a marble sarcophagus impressive. Just like what they cover weighs eight tons. In a chapel separated is the tomb of Prince Eugene of Savoy and the catacombs of the Dome of St. Stephen was buried, among others, the Duke of Habsburg Rudolf IV, also called the “founder”, which laid the foundation stone for construction Gothic cathedral in 1359. Dome of how out of St. Stephen and do twenty meters to the right, hitting the sweetest corner of Vienna. There is shop Manner, Viennese company that produces wafers for over a century. Between Manner and Dome of St. Stephen there is a special bond: company founder Josef Manner I put on packages of wafers, since the late nineteenth century, a stylized drawing dome that has remained to this day. Store Manner wafers are probably the best in the world. And the prices are not prohibitive, from about 1 euro. According to statistics, 4,000 wafers are sold daily at the store. Manner holds the largest wafer oven made in the world with a capacity of 200,000 pieces per hour!

After an intermezzo sweet music is a sequel could not be more fitting. Two steps from the Dome of St. Stephen, after you pass through a corridor, there is a potentially very interesting and little known among foreign tourists who come to Vienna. It is Mozart House, where the composer lived for two and a half years and where he composed the famous “Marriage of Figaro”. Also at the Mozart House , where entry costs 11 Euros, and is the first edition of the play “The Marriage of Figaro” by Beaumarchais. It is the only house of Mozart in Vienna dozen houses, which has been preserved until today. The composer lived in the house between 1784 and 1787. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus spent in this house happiest years. In any case, he did not live in any other dwelling as much as this. On a total area of ​​1,000 square meters, visitors can make a foray into the world of Mozart, with his creative genius out of the ordinary, family, friends and his opponents in the late Baroque period.

If you want to take lunch in Vienna, “Beisln ”s are the most appropriate places. In fact, some traditional restaurants. Here you can eat Viennese specialties such as a giant “Schnitzel” or a “Apfelstrudel” the Vienna home. The price of a heavy meal for two, complete with drink, salt 35 euros. And after a hearty meal, the most appropriate is fabulous panoramic views. Vienna panorama and best seen from a height of 64.75 meters, ie Big Wheel in the Prater park famous. The ride lasts fifteen minutes, costs 9.5 euros per person, but is worth every penny. And when they get out of the Big Wheel, a cup of mulled wine and a stroll through the Christmas Market in the Prater is a perfect corollary to a perfect day in Vienna. How much for a city break in Vienna If you go by car, you must pay vignette both Hungary and Austria. Vignette for ten days in Hungary costs about 50 lei, and for the same period in Austria costs 9 euros. During the holidays, the price of hotel rooms between 50 and 100 euros per night. For a round trip by car, you need to do about three full tanks of petrol or diesel, which means an average cost of fuel to 180 euros. For those who choose to go by plane to Vienna, the cheapest one is 100 euros. Food for three days for a family costs about 50-60 euros if bought in the supermarket.

Images drawn from Andersen’s fairy tales In December, the most pleasant evening in Vienna to go through the Christmas markets set up in dozens of places in the city. From mid-November until Christmas Eve, the most beautiful places in Vienna turns charming Christmas markets seem to emerge from Andersen’s fairy tales. And bohemian atmosphere is both enchanting and makes you forget sudden temperature low. In each of these Christmas markets find numerous trade stands tastefully decorated, where you can find the globe and puppets to roasted chestnuts and mulled wine. Speaking of mulled wine in these markets there is an interesting custom. The price of a cup of mulled wine is almost everywhere 7 euros and includes cup. If you want to return the cup, you get back 3 euros. But as the cups are small works of art, few cases are returned. Also regarding prices, a globe handmade starts from 7-8 euro, a hot punch is 4 euros and a portion of roasted chestnuts or baked potato slices in its own shell is 2.5 euros. And this year, the largest traditional Christmas market was set in front of Vienna City Hall. The approximately 150 trade stands Square features traditional Christmas gifts for Christmas tree decorations, handicrafts, culinary delights, sweets and hot drinks. The trees surrounding the City Hall Park Stage-lighting redesign and decorate glow along the Ringstrasse boulevard. Plants in the park are inspired by stories of Christmas for children. In the town hall, there is a free offer for children, which includes sweet cake decorating and writing slips with the baby Jesus desires. Less than half a kilometer from the Vienna City Hall Square Christmas Village is located on Maria-Theresien-Platz, located between the Museum of Fine Arts and Natural History Museum. During Advent, here you can find about 70 booths with traditional handicraft items and original ideas for gifts. The atmosphere is special, and music is provided by choirs and music groups Gospel music. On December 27, Village Christmas Village turns into the New Year.

Vienna – The City An introduction to the city of Vienna – Vienna, also described as Europe’s cultural capital, is a metropolis with unique charm, vibrancy and flair. It boasts … Traditional Christmas Fair on Freyung in the center is dedicated to traditional activities. Since 1772 here held a Christmas market, and today, this place can buy handicrafts, decoration of glass, ceramics and traditional manger. Cultural and Christmas Fair in front of Schönbrunn Palace offers a romantic atmosphere in front of imperial buildings and turns after Christmas fairs in the New Year. Market offer that bustles of life includes traditional craft items, handmade Christmas decorations, Christmas concerts and a comprehensive program for children, including a thematic workshop. An impressive Baroque décor is offered and Christmas Village at Belvedere Palace. The only palace park provides space for a nice Christmas market with outstanding handicraft items and culinary delicacies. The most beautiful Christmas Markets in Europe Dozens of types of sweets and traditional products, aromas of mulled wine, Christmas carols and Santas cheerfully have already started winter holidays with the opening of some of the most beautiful Christmas markets in Europe.   8 best Christmas markets in Europe | London Evening Standard Nov 18, 2016 … If you’re feeling …

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