Hair & Beauty Magazine

Too Cool For School After School BB Foundation Lunch Box

By Beautifulbuns

For the first 5-7x that I visited Korea, I never actually saw the appeal of Too Cool For School – and it was for the lamest reason ever. Cos there were no celeb endorsements. I know, I know, I’m such a fan girl. But after about 10 trips to Korea, I’d actually run out of products to purchase – I kid you not. I’d actually bought almost everything in most of the shops. So yes, I had to set my sights elsewhere, and like Sauron, I turned my evil gaze over to Too Cool For School.

TCFS After School BB Foundation LunchboxToo Cool For School After School BB Foundation Lunch Box

TCFS After School BB Foundation Lunchbox (1)
Too Cool For School After School BB Foundation Lunch Box

TCFS After School BB Foundation Lunchbox info

TCFS After School BB Foundation Lunchbox (2)
Too Cool For School After School BB Foundation Lunch Box in shade #01 Matte Skin. The concealer and highlighter are nestled atop in the black bottle cap, which is also attached to a spatula-spade.

TCFS After School BB Foundation Lunchbox (3)
A rather thick consistency foundation BB

TCFS After School BB Foundation Lunchbox (4)
Visible brightening of skintone and great coverage

TCFS After School BB Foundation Lunchbox (5)
Swatching the concealer and the highlighter – me likey.

TCFS After School BB Foundation Lunchbox (6)
Spots and blemishes, begone! (or rather, be hidden!)

TCFS After School BB Foundation Lunchbox (7)
And for the first time in a nong nong time, my dark eye circles aren’t that obvious. Le nose bridge highlighting was done with the highligher portion of this product.

I say…

My first impressions of this product were not great – I mean, dude, what’s up with the weird and vaguely ancient delivery system of a spatula-spade?

  • Fine, so let’s start from the packaging – yes I love the kitchsy quirky sketches and designs.
  • It’s also really convenient that everything is available in one packaging – the flip top bottle cap reveals a highlighter, concealer and a mirror, and unscrew the bottle cap to find the BB foundation.
  • Now here’s where I go into vague product angst – the attached spatula can get really messy, and I found myself having to carefully navigate it so as to avoid the rims and edges (I’m pedantic that way cos I like to keep my products looking as pristine as possible). In fact, it felt like I was back in primary school playing one of those games where you have to navigate a cursor through the maze and you’ll get electrocuted if you hit the walls.
  • It also always comes up with a chunk of product (cos the BB foundation is quite thick in consistency and doesn’t drip or flow off as easily as I’d want it to).  It looks quite a gooey mess if you ask me.
  • Bad product design aside, this is actually a really good product.
  • Although the consistency of the BB foundation is thicker than usual, it spreads easily without pulling the skin.
  • It also gives great coverage and has a matte finish (thus delaying the onslaught of my first oil blog session).
  • In fact, I didn’t have to use much product to cover my entire face – I just dabbed some of the BB foundation from the spatula onto the back of my hand (about a 20 cent size) and that was sufficient. I guess it’s also more hygienic than dabbing from the spatula itself. Plus, there’s nowhere I can place the cap on my dressing table – just dab, and back it goes into the bottle.

Moving on to the concealer – it’s located in the black cap itself, so all you have to do is tug the red ribbon gently to open the cap.

  • There’s no brush provided, so you can use your ring finger (or a brush) to apply it.
  • It gives good coverage too, but avoid applying too many layers or it’ll cake.
  • It’s slightly thicker in consistency vs the Laneige Bright Eye Finish Concealer Kit.

Last but not least, the highlighter – similarly, it’s located in the black cap (which comes with a mirror too).

  • I love the concealer – it’s relatively creamy in the pot, but turns to powder upon application.
  • The shimmer is a nice pearly colour with a white-pinkish-toned shimmer.
  • It’s also easily applied and glides on smoothly. I dabbed a few spots down my nose bridge and then slowly blended it downwards.  It can also give subtle highlighting to your C-zone.

Overall, I’m pretty impressed and can totally see myself going back to get a second bottle once this (or my trusted Hera HD Fix Foundation)  runs out.

Too Cool For School is available in Singapore at Far East Plaza, #03-53.

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