Entertainment Magazine

Stage Door – Mark Rylance

Posted on the 21 December 2016 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Today was my final theater trio of the year to see Mark Rylance starring in the play he co-wrote Nice Fish (review to follow). Afterwards I headed to the stage door and was actually rather surprised that only two other people had decided to wait for him to come out.

Stage Door – Mark Rylance

It was well and truly worth the wait as soon as he came out he was so grateful that we’d waited so long after the show finished. He had asked us where we were from and I explained that I’d traveled down from Newcastle for the day to see the play and he thanked me for that.  

He also asked me what I did so I told him I was a football coach and he asked me who I worked with, and said his niece plays in the US. We also spoke about Bridge of Spies with his character Abel being born in Newcastle. To which he said he did not know until Sting told him! Yes what a great conversation. An incredible actor and such a lovely humble man!

As well as the autograph on the front of the programme (I bought a copy of the play but couldn’t decide which to get signed) I also got an amazing photo🙂 so thank you Mark Rylance for an early Christmas present!

Stage Door – Mark Rylance

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