Lifestyle Magazine

Sail On Chandler Bing

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’m back after a week of work and writing, more work than writing though because I’ve got to decide on my story, but enough about that. Something happened this week that took many people by surprise.

Matthew Perry passed away. It shocked me because he was so young, and it appeared as if he’d beaten his demons. Celebrity deaths don’t usually upset me, not because I don’t care but because I don’t really know them. I’m not emotionally attached to them. I admire them from afar.

But Matthew’s did. I watched “Friends.” It was one of my favorite shows. I’ve pondered why Matthew’s death hit me harder than others, and the conclusion I’ve drawn is because he was so open about himself with his fans. He was relatable. He didn’t portray an image for everyone. He was authentic.

He was also a good person. He tried to help other recovering addicts. That speaks volumes to me. So, many people want to help other people but don’t have the means to do it. Matthew did. That says so much about the type of person he was.

Sail On Chandler Bing

There are rumors floating around that he was in love with someone he couldn’t be with. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but if it is, that shows us that all of us are fragile and unavailable love happens to all of us. This is probably what makes him so relatable and authentic. He didn’t hide his feelings.

Matthew will be missed by me and his fans. His portrayal of Chandler Bing was legendary, and I feel like he infused the character with himself. So much so, that Chandler Bing and Matthew Perry are one in the same.

So, this post is dedicated to Matthew. My small tribute to someone who touched my life without knowing it. I hope when he stands before the pearly gates, he’ll realize then just how many lives he touched with his acting and with his acts of kindness. Sail on Matthew. Sail on.

Sail On Chandler Bing

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