Entertainment Magazine

LEGO: Harry Potter Characters

Posted on the 02 August 2018 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Brand new releases from Lego so with being in London I queued to get in the Lego shop and decided to buy a few. I had started by trying to see if I could work out who Dumbledore was . . . But after a few minutes I decided to just go full on pot luck and picked four different packets.

LEGO: Harry Potter Characters

So basically I cannot resist anything film related it seems! I will admit though it was pretty nice to have the surprise of opening the packets to see which characters I got! First up and the one I opened was Ron Weasley.

LEGO: Harry Potter Characters

Next up, I got what I wanted and it was Albus Dumbledore . . .

LEGO: Harry Potter Characters

The Dark Lord, he who shall not be named was in the third packet, that's right Voldemort!

LEGO: Harry Potter Characters
I was starting to think that with this great luck that Harry Potter himself was going to be in the fourth and final packet. That was not meant to be though as it turned out to be Filius Flitwick.

LEGO: Harry Potter Characters

A nice little collection the detail in each character is very impressive as you can see!

LEGO: Harry Potter Characters

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