Lifestyle Magazine

How to Drive More Phone Calls From Google Ads

By Smadison

It is normal for business owners to expect more phone calls when they have signed up for Google Ads. Every service business will most definitely want more phone calls to drive new customers. In this blog post, we shall point out how Google Ads specialists drive more phone calls for their client's businesses through Google Ads.

How to Drive More Phone Calls From Google Ads

True that, the phone calls are valuable leads and conversions leads. Optimized Google Ads campaign for phone calls maximizes the results. So, let us learn how Google Ads specialists drive more phone calls for Google Ads Campaigns by framing proper strategies and techniques.

How To Use Google Ads For Driving More Phone Calls?

There are various methods the Google Ads specialists follow to drive more phone calls from Google Ads. These are the three topmost effective strategies:

  1. By Using Call Assets
    Earlier, call extensions had been used instead of call assets. Call assets are the feature in Google ads enabling to inclusion of a clickable phone number in ads. When a phone number is included, the potential customers find it easy to directly ring up the business from the ad. It significantly increases the possibility of receiving phone calls and phone leads generation.
  2. By Setting Up Call Tracking
    To understand the impact of the Google Ads campaign on phone per conversions, Google Ads specialists follow Call Tracking. The Google Ads specialist implemented a call-tracking software for tracking the number of generated phone calls from ads. This is how they gain insights into the campaign's effectiveness. Using this information, they make data-driven decisions for ads optimization to increase phone call conversions.
  3. By Optimizing Calls Ads For Conversions
    Optimized call ads for conversions are very significant for driving more phone calls. Herein, the Google Ads specialists create compelling ad copy highlighting the benefits of calling up the business and including call-focused ad extensions. Additionally, targeting the right audiences and optimizing campaign settings is important for driving more phone call conversions.

How To Track Phone Calls From Google Ads?

The Google Ads specialists track phone calls from Google Ads campaigns to measure their advertising efforts' success. These are the three methods they follow for tracking phone calls:

  1. By Using Call Tracking Software
    Through the Call Tracking Software, the Google Ads specialists track and analyze generated phone calls from Google Ads. Likewise, they receive valuable data like call duration, call recordings and caller information. From this information, they evaluate the calls' quality and identify the improvement areas.
  2. By Implementing Google Forwarding Number
    Google Ads is offering a feature known as "Google Forwarding Number" enabling the Google Ads specialists to assign a unique phone number to the ads. Once the user rings up that number, then it gets redirected to the business phone number. Using Google forwarding numbers, they track the number of generated calls from ads and gain insights into their performance.
  3. By Setting Up Call Conversion Tracking
    Call conversion tracking enables tracking and measuring phone call conversions within a Google Ads account. Google Ads specialists set up call conversion tracking to attribute phone calls to specific ads and keywords. This is how they analyze how effective the ad campaign is, and likewise make data-driven optimizations.

How Important is Call Quality For Google Ads Phone Calls?

How to Drive More Phone Calls From Google Ads

The phone call quality generated from Google Ads significantly creates an impact on conversions and overall campaign performance. Let us look into why call quality is so important:

  1. Conversions Increase By Improving Call Quality
    A positive call experience greatly influences the conversion possibilities. The potential customers create a positive impression of the business when they receive a high call quality. It increases the chances of getting converted into paying customers.
  2. Getting Into Effective Telephonic Communication
    While handling the incoming calls, the telephone representatives have a crucial role to play in making the phone call conversions successful. So, by following effective communication techniques, Google Ads specialists deliver a satisfactory customer experience while maximizing conversion opportunities.
  3. Analyzing Call Data For Call Quality Improvements
    Through call data analysis, like call duration, caller information, and call outcome the Google Ads specialists identify patterns and where they should improve. By analysing this, they identify the potential issues with call quality and make necessary changes for enhancing customer experience.
  4. By Setting Up Call Assets In Google Ads
    With the Call Extensions in Google Ads, it is easier to drive more phone calls to businesses. Google Ads Specialists follow these three steps for using call extensions :

i. Adding Phone Number to Google Ads Account
Adding a business phone number to a Google Ad account is the first step. Google Ads specialists access the "Extensions' tab in the account and select "Call extensions". Next, they enter the respective phone number along with other relevant details as will be prompted.

ii. Enabling Call Extensions For Ads
After adding a phone number, then Google Ads specialists enable call extensions for Google Ads. To do this, they select the campaigns or ad groups where the call extensions should appear. Then they enable the "Call Extensions" options.

iii. Monitoring and Optimizing Call Extension Performance
Monitoring and optimizing the call extensions regularly is very important to drive more phone calls. Google Ads specialists use the data that Google Ads provides for analyzing the performance of call extensions and making necessary adjustments to improve the effectiveness.

For most businesses, driving phone calls is much more critical. Google Ads present a powerful option for more phone call generations. Google Ads specialists implement call tracking to optimize call conversions and use call-focused ad extensions and call-only ads to significantly increase phone calls for campaigns. They are constantly analysing call data to identify opportunities to improve further. So,Google Ads specialists focus on providing a positive call experience for converting calls into sales. Google Ads indeed become invaluable phone leads and customer sources for business when rightly optimized and commitment is made to call quality.

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