Destinations Magazine

Fun Canadian Road Signs

By Kenin Bassart @Constantramble

During our last road trip, I realized that when it comes to road signs, Canadians know what they are doing! We, as Americans can take a lesson from our Northern friends. Not only are Canadian road signs more entertaining and aesthetically pleasing, they are also more accurate and detailed.

GPS in Canada - Canadian Road Signs Photo 1

Our GPS in Canada

I was elated by the simple detail of the maple leaf that marked Canadian highways on our GPS.

Watch out for wildlife - Canadian Road Signs Photo 2

Watch out for wildlife!

Nothing makes you want to slow down more than this sign. In Canada, the wildlife make their own plea for safe driving. Once we crossed the border we saw virtually no road-kill. These signs must be effective.

Caribou Crossing - Canadian Road Signs Photo 2

Caribou Crossing

Cut out signs!! This is too much for me 

 This makes me feel like a pre-schooler all over again. Canadian signs getting in touch with my inner-youth. I love this! Funny thing about these things is that from the right distance they look just like an animal crossing. It was more than enough to  slow us down!


Fun Canadian Road Signs

Motorcycle on Slippery Bridge

Motorcycle on Slippery Bridge (the road was pretty bumpy too )

This sign was very confusing to me at first. We saw this sign before we ever saw the bridge. I thought we were driving towards a great disco party or unicycle competition or something.

Another Caribou Crossing

Another Caribou Crossing

Signs in full color with cute animals will always get my attention! Well done Canada, well done!

Police! - Plywood Police Car  Canada Photo


You might think that this is just a funny plywood cutout, but when you are going even a few miles/kilometers over the speed limit, it makes you tap your brakes. This sign was just enough for me to watch Ken panic, check his speedometer, and tap his brakes (he wasn’t even speeding at the time). Needless to say, I had a good laugh at his expense afterward.

Looks official to me!

Looks official to me!

There might be some argument as to how “official” this sign may be, but in Canada, I never could tell what was government funded or just plain ole fun. Regardless, we did slow down enough to take a photo. I guess his was a job well done!

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