Lifestyle Magazine

From LA, With Love…

By Unefemme @DejaPseu

jeans and a tee with long cardigan
Here’s a slightly different look with some of the same pieces from last week’s outfit post. A simple outfit base (here dark jeans and a black top) can be the foundation of a variety of looks, just by swapping out some of the accessories and a top layer. (If I’d planned this first photo shoot better, I would have remembered a second pair of shoes, but hey, Rookie Mistake.)

Wearing: earrings | necklace | cardigan (similar) |
top (similar) | ring | bag | jeans | shoes

When I first purchased this long cardigan a couple of years ago I wasn’t sure how practical it would be, but find that I reach for it often. It’s a perfect weight for our climate on all but the coldest days. In the summer I wear it over a tank top, and this time of year over a long-sleeved tee.

coffee break!

Yes, those are different frames above. I purchased these in Paris in December, brand Lafont. Similar style here. More Lafont eyewear HERE.

Venice Beach mural

Cuyana bag, 3.1 Phillip Lim Cube mules

This area is such a great spot for photos. Lots of fun backdrops!

Love Wall, Venice Beach

linen long cardigan and cropped denim

Yes, I was wearing my sunscreen!


All photos by Tannaz Photography.

What pieces do you use most often as the starting point of your outfits?

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From LA, With Love…
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