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Five Ways John Mitchell’s Victorious England Evolved to Claim the Six Nations Grand Slam

By Elliefrost @adikt_blog

In the same breath as expressing her immense pride after another Grand Slam victory, Marlie Packer declared that John Mitchell's tenure had truly begun. It was as if England needed one more win, over a tough opponent egged on by a partisan crowd, to fully endorse the direction they are taking under their new head coach.

At first glance, the 2024 clean sweep looked eerily similar to the one they landed under Simon Middleton last season. England scored 44 tries and conceded five this year, finishing with a points difference of +229. Twelve months ago they scored 45 tries and threw seven for a points differential of +223. And yet, from a tactical perspective, this campaign felt distinctive.

Mitchell, who turned 60 last month, has claimed there is untapped potential in this England squad. His first Six Nations manager responded to that suggestion and convincingly steered the team towards the 2025 World Cup.

Five ways John Mitchell’s victorious England evolved to claim the Six Nations Grand Slam
Five ways John Mitchell’s victorious England evolved to claim the Six Nations Grand Slam

A refreshed package...

When it comes to selection, coaches cannot afford to be sentimental. Injuries and suspensions require adaptability and succession planning is also crucial. Sarah Beckett's red card in the first round paved the way for Alex Matthews at number 8 and the latter thrived to sign off with two tries and a player of the match award in Bordeaux.

Dropping Packer to the bench against Scotland allowed Mitchell to see Zoe Aldcroft in the back row with Sadia Kabeya on wing, while Connie Powell and Maddie Feaunati were substitutes in each match. Middleton had done a great job of gaining experience, which will have helped Mitchell immensely.

But the confidence that Morwenna Talling would start against Abbie Ward against France, following the fracture-dislocation suffered by Rosie Galligan on her thumb prior to the thrashing in Ireland, was one of the few signs that Mitchell has confidence in his team and in the style he strives for. give. Remember, Sarah Bern, the world's best tighthead prop and one of the most dynamic carries in the game, was sidelined for the entire Six Nations.

The story continues

The English platoon has played through the defense with short, sharp passes. The first two attempts on Saturday were good examples of this. Hannah Botterman, highly influential as a jackaller and scrummager, was picked at the bottom of a ruck for number one. She tried to jam towards the line before sending the ball three yards, over the edge of the defense, to Maud Muir.

About seven minutes later, Amy Cokayne stepped up as the first receiver and cleared two tacklers before tapping a surging Matthews. Deep in the second half, Powell repeated that trick after coming on for Cokayne. After Lucy Packer's pass, Powell lifted the ball for an arching Matthews to crash over it.

In confrontational games, attackers can be drawn into clashes. In the final leg of the Grand Slam mission, England did not blink. They kept moving the ball into space.

...with some old tricks

That said, the visitors also found refuge in a productive staple of the Middleton era; their line-out maul. Louis Deacon, forwards coach since 2021, drilled this area impressively and two pushovers against France, initiated by Cokayne's exceptional throwing and Aldcroft's leadership, kept England steady before half-time. Mitchell clearly hasn't been too proud to ignore the solid foundations he has left.

Balanced midfield that covers all bases

England's starting 10-12-13 axis for the opener in Parma was Zoe Harrison, Emily Scarratt and Helena Rowland. After a clumsy performance and injuries to Scarratt and Rowland, that combination changed completely. Holly Aitchison, Tatyana Heard and Megan Jones joined forces for rounds two, three, four and five. And their synergy means they should be considered the frontline trio heading into WXV in the fall.

Aitchison is a smooth distributor with an impressive passing range who can open her stride and take up space when tacklers sit down. She succeeded in all six conversions on Saturday and, despite one or two dodgy hits, also kicked well from hand. Heard combines strength and poise, while Jones is a bundle of energy. Her walking angles create holes and create space for others. On the other side of the ball, Jones dictates to his opponents with zeal and aggression. In an interview for the BBC Rugby Union Weekly podcast, Packer explained that defense coach Sarah Hunter Jones has awarded a pair of 'black panther' awards.

An opportunistic try at Stade Chaban-Delmas showed Jones' athleticism and anticipation. After a driving kick from Aitchison, which split the French cover in the backfield and found grass, Jones stayed linked with Abby Dow in the chase and intercepted a hasty offload into the field from Emilie Boulard.

History shows us that successful teams are fueled by balance and cohesion in midfield. Mitchell seems to have found these things when he first asked about them.

Aitchison, Heard and Jones are particularly effective at running the trendy format deployed by teams around the world; when an inside center steps toward the first receiver as their No. 13 cuts a hard angle and circles the fly in a second wave. The defense must respect all options and is often overwhelmed.

Reimagining three roles

Another example of Mitchell's confidence as a coach is the ownership Lou Meadows has taken over the offense, as well as the influence her mentor, Brian Ashton, has been able to exert as an advisor. It is clear that Mitchell is open to new ideas and a stunning Six Nations for England's back three has been a happy outcome.

Ellie Kiltun, Dow and Jess Breach scored 18 tries between them to occupy all three positions on the championship top scorer's podium. And yet a powerful finish was only one facet of their performance. They were clearly encouraged to roam the pitch to link attacks and overload the defence. Dow turns from the right wing and seems to relish the extra responsibility. Watch Matthews' second effort in Bordeaux again and you'll see Dow overtaking the previous slump.

Kilduune's tournament, capped by nine tries from the fullback, saw her tear apart defenses with deceptive power and speed. On occasion, England deployed Matthews in the backfield to further strengthen their kick returns, with Kabeya and Feaunati also migrating to the wide channels on phase-play. As Dow said after the win in Ireland, England plan to think outside the box when it comes to attacking.

Back in the hunt

Natasha Hunt's emotion in her post-match interview with the BBC was completely understandable. A controversial omission from the 2022 World Cup squad, she has clawed her way back into favor and re-established herself. Four consecutive starts at scrum-half reflected her importance. On Saturday she struck from long range with her first touch, setting a confident tone for England. She later made another clever kick into space after Cokayne's line-out steal to put France back.

Hunt shoots around the edges and distributes neatly, and has seemingly usurped Lucy Packer, who made a brave try-saving tackle after coming off the bench this weekend. At 35, Hunt has invaluable know-how. More valuable to Mitchell, however, is her palpable desire to prove a point. Gradually, her versatility as a scrum half has ushered in this new era.

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