Lifestyle Magazine

Did Someone Say More Cowbell?

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’m back today and I’ve got nothing. I can’t think of an interesting blog post to save my life. I’ve got the dreaded disease Blogger’s Block.

I don’t know if you’ve ever had it, but mine came on gradually. I’d start writing a post and it would start off good, but then it’d dwindle down until I found myself asking, what am I trying to say? Who is going to read this?

When no answers came to me, I trashed my words and started over. I did this three times. Now I’m confessing. I have Blogger’s Block and I need a cure.

Did someone say More Cowbell?

Did Someone Say More Cowbell?

This image courtesy of

More Cowbell is definitely the cure for this horrible illness. Don’t know what I’m talking about?

Check out this YouTube Video and you’ll understand:

More Cowbell

I know I’m dating myself here, but this was one of my favorite skits on the great Saturday Night Live show. This show started in 1975. I remember, I was a skinny teen then and it was a big deal to watch it.

I’d have my best friend spend the night. We’d stay up late eating popcorn and drinking fizzy coke, while we watched this amazing comedy show.  We’d laugh and laugh. Our fears and insecurities would become non-existent because we were having too much fun.

We’d get to school on Monday and the buzz through the halls was, “Hey did you see Saturday Night Live?”

“Wasn’t that the best?”

We’d go into great detail about what skit we thought was the funniest. Then we’d discuss SNL shows of the past, ones that were truly iconic.

Saturday Night Live has been around since 1975. This show has been making people laugh for forty-one years. It is the longest running sketch comedy show on American television.

Many young comedians have gotten their start on Saturday Night Live. Dan Aakroyd, Bill Murray, and Will Farrell, just to name a few. These stars have gone on to have major success on the big screen.

Laughter truly is the best medicine. I’m sure you’re aware that laughing secretes endorphins in your brain. Endorphins are hormones that activate our opiate receptors. They make us feel good. :)

Laughing also exercises your abdominal muscles and the muscles in your face. Which means it also burns calories. I bet you can see where I’m going with this one, can’t you?

But the best time to watch SNL skits is when you’re going through chemo. Because you’ll laugh, and you’ll feel better even if it’s just for a little while.

So whether you’re dealing with Blogger’s Block, or something much more serious like chemo. Just remember, the cure is More Cowbell. :)

Thanks for stopping by and reading my post today. I’ve got some other SNL favorites for you to check out. The links are below.

Steve Martin’s Skits

Top Ten Picks of SNL Skits

Weekend Update

Funniest Cats

Church Chat

Another Top Ten List of SNL Skits

What are your favorites? List them in the comments. I’d love to check them out!

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