Food & Drink Magazine

Dark Chocolate Shortbread Tart

By Lemon_sugar
Dark Chocolate Shortbread Tart

Is it me, or does this just scream Valentine's Day? It's decadent and indulgent, a dark chocolate custard atop a buttery, shortbread crust. Oh, and if that wasn't enough - how about the heaping mound of sweet whipped cream right on top? I'm pretty sure this is why we have Valentine's Day. So we can eat things like this. Let's just have another look, shall we?

Dark Chocolate Shortbread Tart

I'm a big fan of a standard graham cracker crust, and even a good chocolate wafer crust - but this? Crumbly, buttery shortbread cookies pressed into a tart crust? Major win. But here's the best part: the amazing shortbread crust is filled to the brim with a dark, slightly-sweet-slightly-bitter chocolate that thickens just the right amount. And just when you think the chocolate is going to be too dark, (is there such a thing?) the sweetness takes over and is further relaxed by a nice big hit of sweetened cream. You guys. I can't. I don't have the words to express just how luxurious this tart really is. Here's the secret: good chocolate. Not just good chocolate, really good chocolate. REALLY, REALLY good chocolate.

Dark Chocolate Shortbread Tart

When you find a good baking chocolate, you'll know it. The texture is better, the cocoa flavor is more prevalent. It's smoother, and more flavorful - perhaps not as sweet, but it doesn't need to be as sweet because the ingredients are better. Cue my latest and greatest discovery: Green & Black's Organic Chocolate. I love them for oh-so-many reasons - and if you'll indulge me, I'd like to tell you about them here because not only am I smitten with the chocolate, I'm also kind of in love with the company. As you know, I'm a huge proponent for good quality, organic, local-when-possible ingredients. I like to feel good about what I eat, what I serve to my family and friends, and who I support with my hard-earned money. Green & Black's has a great story. They were founded in 1991, and have always produced a high-quality, organic chocolate. They have 11 different varieties; I like to bake with the dark and milk chocolates, and I like to eat the almond bar on days when I just need a little treat.

Dark Chocolate Shortbread Tart

Even better? Green & Black's is Fairtrade certified. What the heck does that mean, anyway? Don't feel bad, I didn't know until several months ago, either. Essentially, it involves the production of certain foods (like cocoa, coffee, bananas, tea, and sugar) -in that they must be free of forced labor or poor working conditions for laborers. And perhaps most importantly, participating in a Fairtrade production chain can result in huge benefits for farmers. There are set "floor" prices, which protects smaller farms from fluctuating prices and from bigger, corporate farms from buying them when they are in a weaker market. Pretty awesome cause to support, right? Plus, you can just tell when good quality ingredients are used - and Green & Black's is committed to creating a great-tasting organic chocolate bar - and I think the fact that they're socially responsible just makes them taste even better. They're a great company, and I invite you to support them next time you see them at your market. If you want more information about them, check out their website, their Facebook page and find them on Twitter.

Dark Chocolate Shortbread Tart

I hope you give this recipe a try. It's a true treat, and for a chocolate lover, you just can't go wrong. Not a big dark chocolate fan? Swap it out for some milk chocolate and you won't be disappointed. What's your favorite kind of chocolate - are you a white, dark or milk chocolate fan? Let me know in a comment below, and you'll be automatically entered for a chance to win a $100 cash equivalent gift card and a Green & Black's Organic Chocolate prize pack of your own! Enjoy!

This sweepstakes is sponsored and fulfilled by BlogHer. Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Green & Black's Organic Chocolate. All opinions are 100% mine.

Dark Chocolate Shortbread Tart

Dark Chocolate Shortbread Tart

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