Entertainment Magazine

DanCool Tube: Beauty And The BEAT

By Danthatscool @DanScontras

DanCool Tube: Beauty And The BEAT. Wassup, Girl? What’s Good? What’s Good? This Hysterical Disney Parody, That’s What. Belle Goes To Da ‘Hood In This Crazy Musical Viral Video.It’s a tale as old as time.

And as tired as that weave, girlfriend.

It’s Beauty and the Beast as you’ve never seen it.  And if you’ve already seen it, watch it again.  Because it’s that hysterical.

Todrick Hall has just reinvented a Disney classic, and this ain’t Yo Mama’s Belle.

Remember at the beginning of the Disney movie, when Belle was dancing all over the town square and singing by the fountain, carrying one of those books that she loved so much?

Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve watched the Bluray but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t an issue of Ebony Magazine in Belle’s basket, and I don’t believe that at any point in the song did she stop off at the salon to get her hair did.

Let’s just leave it at that.

With production values that rival any big screen blockbuster, this video has already crossed the 2 million mark on youtube in record time.

It also crosses all other boundaries, and is just plain funny no matter who you are.

The only drawback to the video is that you need to watch it about 20 times to catch all the good stuff.

Simply watching my girl GloZell honk her car horn requires at least 7 rewinds.  Nobody does bats*** crazy like GloZell.


Whatchoo call me?

Oh.  It’s a hot mess.

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