Creativity Magazine

A Good Year for Epiphyllums

By Vickilane

                                                                                                A Good Year for Epiphyllums

Our greenhouse is home to an assortment of these lovelies--also known as orchid cactus. I acquired my first one (the one pictured here) about forty years ago (can it have been that long?) when Justin was in a youth soccer league and my friend Sue (whose son was also playing,) found ourselves in an unfamiliar part of Asheville and after the game, just had to check out a local greenhouse. 


A Good Year for Epiphyllums

They had a wonderful selection of epiphyllums in various colors, but they weren't cheap, and I had to be content with selecting the gaudiest of the lot.                                                                                         

A Good Year for Epiphyllums

The weather has been too uncertain to put them outside yet, but they have been blooming exuberantly in the crowded greenhouse.

A Good Year for Epiphyllums

Somewhere along the way, I was given this red variety below.

A Good Year for Epiphyllums

And my friend Lisa S. brought me this dainty pink one below.  

When the weather is reliably warm, I'll try to get these babies outside and do some repotting and propagating. May they all last another forty years!

A Good Year for Epiphyllums

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