Business Magazine

7 Ways Free Survey Tools Help Grow Your Business

Posted on the 28 February 2017 by Marketingtango @marketingtango
7 Ways Free Survey Tools Help Grow Your Business Share
  • February 28, 2017
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7 Ways Free Survey Tools Help Grow Your Business

Data, data everywhere. But how much of it do you use, really? If you’re like most small business marketers, the answer is probably “not much”–quickly followed by “because I’m way too busy.”

One reliable data source any overworked marketer can easily master is online customer surveys. Choices are plentiful these days and many are free.

Why Surveys?

Surveys should be a staple of every integrated marketing tool box. Not only because they’re free or cheap but because of the intelligence they allow marketers to gather. For example, using an online survey tool, even the smallest small business can:

  1. Conduct pre-launch market research
  2. Collect customer opinions and insight about products and services
  3. Ask which features people like, dislike or want
  4. Poll users about the quality, effectiveness and makeup of website or blog content
  5. Build or update customer preference and profiles
  6. Create quizzes or polls to entice and engage your audience
  7. Uncover potentially profitable patterns and trends

Familiar Players
Though there are hundreds of online survey platforms, a few seem to appear perennially in popular listings, such as PC Magazine’s “Best Online Survey Tools of 2016. Examples of those with a generous free plan and low-cost versions include:

  • SurveyMonkey–big and trusted, with great templates and pre-written questions
  • Polldaddy–unlimited polls and easy WordPress integration
  • SoGoSurvey– touts a feature set that’s uniquely effective at polling Millennials
  • SurveyGizmo–claims to put the fun into surveys with vivid design and a whimsical robot avatar

A Few Best Practices
Keep surveys short enough to be completed in a few minutes and send at optimal times; for some reason, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday outside work hours are the best; and last but not least please, please, please, optimize for mobile.

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