Woohoo! We’re Konfidence Swimologist Ambassadors! … & a #giveaway

By Newmummyblog @newmummyblog

Now we’re back from holiday it’s also time I properly announced our very exciting news… we’re thrilled to be Swimologist Ambassadors for Konfidence Baby and Toddler Swimwear. Konfidence are a brand which knows how important it is babies learn to swim, and provide the best swimwear to make sure that happens. We also love their float swim jacket for Toddler H – it’s brilliant on holiday! You might be reading because you follow the blog or us on social media, perhaps you get emails with my posts (thank you for subscribing!), or perhaps you stumbled here, or found this post through a google search. Well if you’re new to baby swimming, considering taking your little one swimming for the first time, or considering swimming lessons this is the place to learn more! This isn’t the first time I’ve written about the importance of, or why we love baby swimming classes. What do we know about taking baby swimming? Well, Toddler H is now 3.5 years and has been swimming since she was 10 weeks old. Likewise, Baby B first went swimming at 8 weeks, and is now about to start her first lessons. She has, however been swimming every couple […]