Health Magazine

Why Your Adrenals May Need Urgent Intervention, Recognizing Burn Out, Self Care in Managing Stress +Treating HPV Naturally

By Healyounaturally @healU_naturally
Why Your Adrenals May Need Urgent Intervention, Recognizing Burn Out, Self Care in Managing Stress +Treating HPV Naturally

Tune into today's #HYNwellnesspodcast # 28 and find out if your adrenals may need some extra TLC, how burnout can affect your performance and overall well being. Ways to manage stress that are attainable, plus treating HPV naturally- Enjoy the show!

Podcasts Quotables Adrenals

~ Millions of neurons run between your gut and brain, and we now understand that the digestive system has the ability to communicate with the rest of your body. Dr. Doni explains how your gut works, ways to optimize its performance and improve your overall health.

~ Good "sleep hygiene" is the best way to improve your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Dr. Doni explains how to use all five senses to increase your sleep hygiene.

Dr. Doni Wilson

Show Notes:

Resources/ Links Mentioned

Supplements to Help with Sugar Balance and Insulin Resistance:
Vitamin D3 & K2 ~ Try it here

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