Health Magazine

Why Being a Stay At Home Parent is the Toughest Job in the World, Written by Someone Without Children

By Darcsunshine

Why Being a Stay At Home Parent is the Toughest Job in the World, Written by Someone Without ChildrenDarcsunshine:

A great post that I want to share with all of you

Why Being a Stay At Home Parent is the Toughest Job in the World, Written by Someone Without ChildrenOriginally posted on suzie81's Blog:

I’m going to start this post by making a statement that some may not like.

I don’t like young children.

I’ve never been a maternal person. I come from a small family of four, with no additional relatives and so I wasn’t brought up with any younger children other than my two sisters. As I started to reach my 30′s I expected to feel the desire to become a mother that some of my friends claimed that they felt, but to this very day I have yet to feel anything but annoyance.

They’re everywhere.

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