Lifestyle Magazine

Welcome to the English Wedding Blog Shop!

By Claire

A very warm wel­come to my lit­tle wed­ding blog shop!

You may have seen a lit­tle link sneak into the menu at the top of Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog recently. You might pos­si­bly even have had a peek! But I’ve been wait­ing to announce the open­ing of our brand new wed­ding blog shop until there are a few good­ies in there for you to try.…

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The Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog shop is all about hand­crafted, English-made good­ies for your big day. I’ve sourced some gor­geous lit­tle details from var­i­ous places, and turned them into pretty acces­sories for your wed­ding day. Of course there’s a lit­tle cal­lig­ra­phy thrown in there… my alter ego the wed­ding cal­lig­ra­pher wouldn’t have it any other way!

Items in the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog shop so far include:

Rus­tic wed­ding gift boxes with pink paper roses

Beau­ti­fully rus­tic tapered boxes with lit­tle tags and a cute design, these are inspired by the US blogs’ obses­sion with sta­tionery and details. They can be used as favour boxes or gift boxes — if you’re giv­ing jew­ellery keep­sakes to your brides­maids, for example.

They’re £32 for a pack of 10 includ­ing calligraphy

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wedding blog shop gift boxes (4)

Rus­tic wed­ding gift boxes with white paper roses

Sur­pris­ingly sim­i­lar to the other gift boxes, but with a white rose instead!

Also £32 for a pack of 10 includ­ing lit­tle cal­lig­ra­phy tags (black or white ink)

wedding blog shop gift boxes (2)

Paper rose wed­ding place names — pack of 10.

These are per­fect for a rus­tic and pretty cel­e­bra­tion. Each of my lux­ury place names is hand­writ­ten in roman­tic cal­lig­ra­phy in a Spencer­ian cal­lig­ra­phy script (as shown in the image). The sam­ples shown here use black ink but we can write in other colours: pale cof­fee, sky gray or dusky pink work very well.

£25 per pack of 10 place name cards

calligraphy wedding place name

Wed­ding cal­lig­ra­phy cus­tom signs — pack of 5.

These hand­writ­ten cal­lig­ra­phy signs are com­pletely per­son­alised for your wed­ding day. Use them for instruc­tions: “Please sign our guest book”, “help your­self to a cigar”, “Candy buf­fet — take a bag and enjoy!” for example.

£28 for a pack of 5 bespoke signs (for up to 15 words per card)

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Wed­ding cal­lig­ra­phy place name tags — pack of 10

Hand­crafted and hand­writ­ten name tags for your wed­ding or spe­cial occa­sion which are designed to be tied or attached to any­thing you can imag­ine to cre­ate an enchant­ing escort card dis­play or cre­ative place name settings.

£13 per pack of 10

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Cal­lig­ra­phy wed­ding place names with jute twine - pack of 10

Rus­tic cal­lig­ra­phy wed­ding place names with vary­ing lengths of jute twine for tying to wine glass stems, nap­kins or favours. Use your imag­i­na­tion and tie these wher­ever you like!

£16 per pack of 10 place names

english wedding blog name tags (1)

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