Fashion Magazine

Wearable Art Pieces from Zuri and Belle Jewelry Collection

By Khristinacarla @khristinacarla

Wearable Art Pieces from Zuri and Belle Jewelry Collection

I was out with my boyfriend when he asked me a random question about jewelries. He asked, “Why do girls wear or buy different accessories or jewelries?”

Wearable Art Pieces from Zuri and Belle Jewelry Collection

I stopped for a while and thought what I should say in one direct answer but there’s too much reason I can think of. Part of it was it makes you look glamorous even if you’re just wearing plain clothing. But one thing I learned from my friend Ms. Hershey Chan, owner of Zuri Wearable Art, “It’s making a statement.”

Wearable Art Pieces from Zuri and Belle Jewelry Collection

Wearable Art Pieces from Zuri and Belle Jewelry Collection

Today I am wearing one of the Classic Belle Collection.

Wearable Art Pieces from Zuri and Belle Jewelry Collection

It’s simply expressing your unique self. :)

Wearable Art Pieces from Zuri and Belle Jewelry Collection

I’ve blogged for this certain accessory collection from Zuri may times, follow the link here and here. Why? Because I choose to be different. I’ve never seen anyone that has the same design as mine. Its uniquely created with these types of gems.

You can get them at THE MALL.

Filed under zuri zuriwearableart belle jewelry collection Accessories jewelry jewelries carla tayao

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By Belle
posted on 08 January at 05:00
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Hi Kristina, I was seriously stunned by the co-incidence of wordings and ideas appearing in your article that are in parallel to my homepage: