Society Magazine

Water You Thinking? We Replay Arguments, Analyse Dreams and Schedule the Day Every Morning – in the Shower

Posted on the 18 July 2013 by 72point @72hub

Replaying an argument with the other half, planning what we intend to wear that day and analysing last nights’ dream are just some of the things we think about in the shower, a new survey has shown. Researchers revealed the average adult spends just nine minutes and 22 seconds in the shower each morning and mentally schedules everything from the kids’ tea to the plans for the weekend.

The most likely topic to mull over is the work load we have on that day, followed by pondering on what to wear.

Around sixty seconds of our daily wash is spent rehearsing an upcoming conversation with the boss, and we even consider what is on the menu for lunch that day.

The poll by shower firm Triton revealed that two thirds of Brits use their time in the shower to mentally plan the day ahead.

While 44% said it was the only time of the day they had five minutes peace and quiet.

Tina Simpson, Marketing Director at Triton Showers said:

”We conducted this research to find out what Britain thinks about in the shower.

”It does tend to be the only part of the day where we are alone with our thoughts, and this research reveals that many working adults use that time to plan their day ahead, run through conversations they intend to have and even rehearse presentations they intend to give.

”For many people, the brief time in the shower is the only time we really spend on our own, so it’s logical that we spend quite a bit of time mulling things over.

”Whether it’s our approach to a business dilemma or sorting out what the family is having for dinner that night – it all gets arranged in the shower.”

Planning forthcoming social events, panicking about being late and replaying marital arguments are also themes to occupy our thoughts in the shower.

In addition to pondering money problems, worries over missing the bus or train and considering renovating the bathroom also occupy our minds as we take a shower.

One in five also thinks about going on a diet to lose a few pounds.

And one in twenty use their time in the shower to reflect on a current book they’re reading.

The study also found the typical Brit showers 5 times a week, but a more ‘relaxed’ one in ten choose to shower on just three occasions throughout the week.

In fact, one in five adult workers don’t bother to shower every morning.

But for 30% of Brits their showers are continually interrupted by children or their other half bursting in.

Hurrying them up to get in the bathroom and needing to use the toilet were the top reasons for interrupting people’s time in the shower.

The report also found that more than a quarter of families row about the time family members spend in the shower – with the typical household arguing 4 times a week.

Of the 2000 workers polled 40% said the shower was the best place to think about how to sort out any relationship issues.

A spokesman for Triton added:

”It would be rare to find a household that didn’t have some battles over the bathroom.

”If everyone is heading off to school and work at roughly the same time the logistics can be tricky.

”The findings show just how significant a role the shower plays in our daily lives.

”With our time in the shower providing us with a rare period of peace and quiet and a setting in which to make a number of key decisions, it is important to have a comfortable environment in which to do so. ”


1. My work load that day
2. What I’m going to wear that day
3. What I’m going to do that weekend
4. That I should go on a diet
5. I tend to zone out and enjoy a few minutes peace and quiet
6. I need to do more exercise
7. Money worries / how long until pay day
8. My other half
9. Replaying conversations I had the day before
10. What I’m going to have for lunch
11. Someone I secretly admire
12. That I’m going to make point of getting an early night
13. Thinking that I need to get my hair done soon
14. Analysing last night’s dream
15. Worrying about being late
16. Replaying an argument with my partner
17. An upcoming birthday/celebration
18. How rubbish my current shampoo / conditioner is
19. An upcoming conversation I need to have with my boss
20. That I need to get the bathroom done up soon
21. Running aloud through presentations, speeches, important meetings
22. A book I’m reading
23. That I need to hurry up because the hot water is running out
24. That I’m going to miss the bus /train
25. Plucking up the courage to ask for a pay rise

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