Religion Magazine

UPDATED Scicluna, Peters, CDF Respond – 8 – Fall of Christianity in the Maltese Archipelago

By Mba @mbartoloabela

UPDATED Scicluna, Peters, CDF respond – 8 – Fall of Christianity in the Maltese archipelagoUPDATED: Just out is the interview given by Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith on the issue of the Maltese Directive (and those of other bishops). Mueller has stated without equivocation that Communion for the remarried is AGAINST God’s law and that the tenets of Familiaris Consortio written by Saint John Paul II are still in vigore. Here is the link to Mueller’s interview:

Communion for the Remarried is Against God’s Law

Below is the link to the interview just given by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna of Malta, in relation to the chaos created by his (and Bishop Mario Grech’s) Guidelines (the “Maltese directive”) in relation to receipt of Communion by the divorced-and-remarried. Also given is the link to the response by eminent canon lawyer Ed Peters in relation to Scicluna’s interview.

  1. “We are following the Pope’s directives”
  2. When, please, were ‘adulterers’ actually ‘excommunicated?

Readers might wish to note that Scicluna has said that if people want to really know what to do, they need to listen to this Pope, not past Popes – revealing a possible hermeneutic of disruption and discontinuity with Scripture and Tradition. He has also said the following regarding his release of his Guidelines as they currently stand:

“Who doesn’t agree can write to the Pope.”

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