Current Magazine

Unilever and Its Sustainable Living Plan -- Worth Investing In

Posted on the 12 August 2014 by Rvbadalam @Nimasema
From The Economist

Unilever and its Sustainable Living Plan -- Worth Investing In

Paul Polman, Unilever CEO

Unilever defines sustainability broadly. It includes not just environmental factors but improving the lot of customers and workers—its own and those in its supply chain. It also aims to contribute to society as a whole. These goals are seen as necessary to maintain the firm’s “licence to operate” in an age when, Mr Polman believes, companies will be subject to increasing public scrutiny.
Specifically, by 2020, Unilever aims to: “help a billion people to take steps to improve their health and well-being;" halve the environmental impact of its products; and source all its agricultural raw materials sustainably, meaning that they should meet requirements covering everything from forest protection to pest control.
Unilever and its Sustainable Living Plan -- Worth Investing In

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