LGBTQ Magazine

To The Person Who Asked Me If Sixtysomething Was Too Old To Come Out

Posted on the 07 December 2011 by Valeriem @Wont_Submit

Or was it fifty or seventysomething? I can’t remember. Either way, I’m sorry, I can’t find your message so I can’t reply personally. Please do email me if you like. I saw your message on my phone while I was at work, and I’ve looked in comments, Twitter, Facebook, etc, and I can’t find it.

Anyway, I say no! It is not too late to come out. As long as you are willing to integrate yourself into the Lesbian world, as opposed to expecting Lesbians to act more het for you, I think it’s never too late.

To everyone else, I think we can safely say that HWBW is more of a series than an actual week. What can I say? My work hours suck.

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