Family Magazine

These Top 5 Common Newborn Illnesses Can Keep Any New Parent on Their Toes!!

By Shwetashetye
These top 5 common newborn illnesses can keep any new parent on their toes!!

Image courtesy papaija2008 at

Newborns are the cutest, softest and cuddliest little people in the whole wide world. They look oh so fragile but they are not, they are actually very strong. If you are a mom of a new born, then your baby might be suffering from some of the common newborn illnesses. Usually these ailments need no treatment as such and go on their own, only sometimes they need medical attention.

So when my son was younger, not all, but some of these definitely kept me on my toes. As a couple who stays away from any help nearby, since like with most IT employees, we had nothing but Dr. Google to our rescue. Ofcourse the doctor as well!! So, here are the 5 most common newborn illnesses and their treatments.


I know many of you would be scared to hear this word, but don’t worry. Most babies have jaundice when they are born because they have higher levels of bilirubin in their blood. All of us have bilirubin, but a newborn’s immune system takes longer to process those extra red blood cells present at birth. So, if your newborn’s skin has a little yellowish tint to it on the chest, face, legs and abdomen, it should not be a cause of concern.
Treatments: Exposing the baby to sunlight can be helpful; rest assured that Jaundice will go by itself in a week or two. If you think its worsening, see a doctor immediately. With a baby that is a few days old, you will not even need these treatments since the doctors will already be at it. But, keep yourself in check emotionally since a 1 or 2 day old baby suffering can make any mother’s heart bleed. Your baby’s pediatrician might do a blood test and recommend the necessary treatment. Keep those tissues handy if a blood test is done, you will need tons of those!

Cradle Cap

Mostly when babies are born, they are not as attractive as we think of them to be. A common skin conditions that newborns can get affected with is cradle cap. If you notice scaly patches of skin cells and redness on your baby’s scalp, then it is most probably cradle cap.
Treatments: Washing your baby’s scalp often and soft brushing can be helpful in removing the scales. If they are still not coming off, then consult your pediatrician. Your baby might need some ointment or a medicated shampoo.

Baby Acne

Face it people, acne of any kind is oh-so-not-bearable, be it a baby or an adult! Baby acne looks like adult acne and can break out on your newborns face anytime between second to fifth week of life. They are usually caused by the hormones that babies receive from their mothers at the end of pregnancy.
Treatments: Wash your baby’s face with a mild soap once a day and pat it dry. Don’t ever use any over the counter acne medicine. Also, ask your doctor for the soap suggestion. With my son, I used a medicated soap suggested by my doctor.

Blocked Tear Ducts

If your newborn’s one or both eyes are always watery and the corner of the eye has some mucus, then your baby’s tear ducts might be blocked. This is also a very common condition and usually tear ducts open by themselves by the time a baby is 2 weeks old.
Treatments: A gentle massage to the inner corner of the eye can help open the tear ducts. Ask your doctor, how to do the massage. Please don’t go manically rubbing the babies eyes, ASK THE DOC!

Umbilical Granuloma

When the umbilical cord is cut, a small piece remains attached to the baby’s navel. If you have invested in cord blood banking, the technicians will take the other part for preservation. The umbilical stump of your baby should dry off and fall on its own within a week or 10 days. However, sometimes you may see some moisture, pinkish discharge or even some blood oozing out from there. This means the stump has got infected and the condition is called Granuloma.
Treatments: Doctors recommend silver nitrate to dry the stump. When it doesn’t work, it is removed through a minor procedure.

Those were the most common five ailments that newborns suffer from. They may look scary to new parents, but mostly there is no need to worry. After giving birth to a child myself, I know that these problems are just the tip of an iceberg to this overwhelming world of parenting. When mine was a newborn, up until his first birthday, as each day passed I was thanking god for letting it pass peacefully.

Was your newborn born with any of these conditions? Did you rely on home remedies for these conditions or consulted a doctor. Let us know in the comments section!

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