Current Magazine

The Problem Of Litterers Throwing Tin Cans Out Of Car Windows May Be Worse Than We Ever Imagined!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

On Sunday, we commented on the road signs we frequently see along highways, that appear to be warning potential litterers not to throw tin cans that have presumably been opened with a can-opener out of their car windows.

Since writing that piece, Not The Worst News has spotted many of these signs in Ontario, Canada. But most interestingly is where we are spotting them. Not on highways, or entrances to highways. We’re spotting them on exits from highways. Leading into some of Ontario’s largest cities, like Mississauga, Vaughan, and Toronto. Here’s a photo of one below:

The Problem Of Litterers Throwing Tin Cans Out Of Car Windows May Be Worse Than We Ever Imagined!

Another sign reminding of the potential repercussions of throwing tin cans out of windows in Ontario cities. Note no other warning signs in sight!

Suddenly, our understanding of these signs has been turned upside down! We thought the signs were to prevent people from throwing their tin cans of corn and refried beans out of car windows at high speeds.

Now it appears the purpose of the signs is to warn people not to throw tin cans out the window after they enter a city. And oddly, at the intersections viewed, these were the only warnings or signs of any kind. “Welcome to our city, and by welcome to our city, we mean, and only mean, do not even think about throwing a tin can out of the car window!”

3 Worse Potential Ontario Road Signs For Off-Ramps Leading Into Cities

1. “Warning: the Mayor of Toronto admits he reads while driving, but refuses to hire a driver. He might be driving next to you right now! You have no time to read this sign and keep your eyes off your surroundings!”

2. “Welcome to Mississauga, our mayor is 91 years old and may remember the days when people threw tin cans and F. Scott Fitzgerald novels out of automobile windows!”

3. “Welcome to Windsor, Ontario, and congratulations on not getting mugged across the river in Detroit, Michigan! P.S. This sign was stolen from Windsor and now that you are distracted reading it, you are about to be car-jacked since you’re actually still in Detroit.”

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