Fitness Magazine

Thankful Thursday [on Weekend Bike Rides, New Gym, and the Library]

By Alyssa_dld @alyssa_dld
Well, hello there.  It's already 10:25 pm and I need to get to bed by 11 pm to meet my bootcamp goal for the week.   And I still have some things to pack for the weekend, but more on that below!  Right now it is time for Thankful Thursday.  Thanks to Ali and Lauren for the inspiration!
I'm thankful for nice weekend days for bike riding.  For a while I swear the weather had it all wrong.  It would be nice during the week and the weekends would be a rainstorm or a snowstorm.  But lately, that has all turned around.  The weekends are beautiful and warm and sunny.  Which make for perfect long bike rides outside with this guy.
Thankful Thursday [on weekend bike rides, new gym, and the library]
Yes, I love you bicycle.  Even if the bike ride wasn't all that great, it makes me happy just to be out there.
I'm thankful for friendly people at my new gym.  I joined a new gym because I was tired of the dirty pool and always over-crowded free weights section.  It is more money per month but I think it is going to be totally worth it.  I've been going to spin classes and both the instructor and the other spinners are great.  Both of the instructors I've had teach have introduced themselves and asked for my name and have chatted with me.  I never really got to know anyone at my old gym even though I went there for a whole year.  
I'm thankful for the library.  I know all you cool kids out there with your fancy pants e-readers are scoffing at my love for the library.  But the library is a wonderful, wonderful place.  I sometimes enjoy just going to the library and taking my sweet time to browse the shelves.  The reading possibilities are endless.  Tonight I picked up two new books to read--Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult and The Shack by William P. Young.  I've heard great things about The Shack  and Jodi Picoult is a favorite author of mine.  I also have The Hunger Games on hold and I should get to it in about a year after the 68 other holds in front of me read it.  I figured I might as well by into the trend and read it, although I am a little leery of doing so since the last book trend I picked up was the Twilight books.  And I was not a fan of those books.   But I have a lot higher hopes for the this series. 
I'm thankful for my fun weekend plans.  I am traveling to Milwaukee this weekend to hang out with a high school friend.  I am excited because I've never had a chance to explore Milwaukee and it's been a long time since I've seen this friend. 
What are you thankful for?

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