Life Coach Magazine

Support the Stroke Association Today: Frances Segelman Sculpts Downton Abbey Writer Julian Fellowes

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

On Tuesday night we we were at the London Film Museum to watch a live sculpting of Downton Abbey writer, Julian Fellowes by Royal sculptress Frances Segelman.

Julian Fellowes, Frances Segelman, Alastair Stewart at Stroke association charity event

The live event was in front of a celebrity audience including Bond actress, Honor Blackman. Newsreader Alistair Stewart compared a question and answer session once Frances had finished her masterpiece.

Frances Segelman sculpting Julian Fellowes in aid of the Stroke Association

The event was held to raise awareness of the stoke association, a charity very close to Julian’s and Frances’s heart. Julian Fellowes wife, Emma gave a passionate talk about the amazing work the charity does. You can find out more about the stroke association by watching this video.

Support the Stroke Association Today


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