Current Magazine

Speaking Of Actors Impersonating Police Officers, Where Is Steve Guttenberg These Days?

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

A Pittsburgh criminal defines lawyer is raising eyebrows after running an ad on YouTube that you can see by clicking here. The ad appears to be inspired by Breaking Bad character Saul Goodman, except in this case, the lawyer’s name is “Dan” and he is not a fictional TV character.

Steve Guttenberg Is Alive!

This is not the ad, but this *is* good news! Thanks, Siri!

The ad begins with a disclaimer that it is a dramatization, and then goes on to show characters engaged in apparent criminal activity, who then say “Thanks, Dan,” presumably because Dan got them off the hook, or a good deal, or a starring role in a YouTube video which currently has over 94,000 page views.

However, the ad does not suggest that the characters playing criminals were alleged to have committed crimes and then found not guilty. Instead we see captions of characters indicating “Crimes Committed…

And these include:

  • Burglary
  • Home Invasion
  • Armed Robbery
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Impersonating A Police Officer

The lawyer told Reuters he would remove the tongue-and-cheek ad if law enforcement or a legal professional organization asked him to.

Three Questions That Arise From This Story

1. Did you watch the commercial and then commit a crime because you thought the commercial was telling you that there are no consequences for your actions? If so, please stop blaming commercials for your actions, because it’s the one-in-a-million teenagers who do things based on fiction that have been giving parents a chance to protest everything from older metal music to current video games. Which, due to youth rebelling, just probably encouraged more songs in the Megadeth discography than any of us really needed.

2. If you did everything in paragraph 1, did you hire the lawyer in the ad? If someone did watch the commercial and was inspired to commit a victimless crime, and then hired the lawyer in the commercial, then Dan, just like a bench with a “You Just Proved Advertising Works” printed on it… you just proved… well, you know…

3. Which police officer was the guy impersonating in the commercial? Because the guy at 0:59 in the Pittsburgh Steelers jacket doesn’t look like any famous cops we’ve heard of. We say the “crime committed” should be “badly impersonating a police officer in a low budget dramatic performance.”

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