Entertainment Magazine

‘Smallfoot’ Is a Wonderful Feel Good Movie For The Whole Family

Posted on the 08 October 2018 by Entertainmentjolt @Entertain_Jolt

Smallfoot will make you laugh, cry and go out and search for knowledge with your whole family.

‘Smallfoot’ Is a Wonderful Feel Good Movie For The Whole FamilyWe’ve all seen movies where people discover a Bigfoot in the wild. This movie changes things up and sees it from the other way around. A Yeti, MIgo, discovers a human, Smallfoot, and it changes his whole world. He and his whole people lead a peaceful, happy life atop their mountain without questioning the wisdom of their people. But when a Smallfoot appears when they were all told they don’t exist, Migo and his friends go on a quest to discover more about these mystical creatures.

The premise of the movie is a unique one and it teaches that it is okay to ask more questions, so long as you are prepared for the answers that follow. Many times we are not prepared to find out why we live the way we do. In today’s day and age where so much is happening in the news, it is a unique concept to present to children. Not that many children will quite pick up the nuances that the movie presents unless it is further explained to them.

My children loved the movie and all three gave it a resounding five stars out of five. They also begged me to take them back before we even left the theater. My youngest wants to go see it on the Grand Screen that is near us and wishes that it was available in 3-D. The 3-D concept would be pretty interesting in several of the scenes, but overall, I don’t believe it would be that much better in that format. Overall, the movie made us laugh and cry, with happiness.

Smallfoot is labeled as a musical because it does contain characters singing. However, for those of you parents who are not into musical movies, this one will not grate on your nerves half so much as others because there are maybe four musical scores and they are somewhat sporadic, and the songs are not as catchy as The Trolls or Frozen.

Are you excited to see Smallfoot now that it has been released? Are you planning to head out to go see it? Tell me what you thought and what other movies you are planning to see in the comments.

Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

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