
Shinzo Abe Killer Wielded Homemade Gun, Grudge Over Mother’s Bankruptcy, Police Say

Posted on the 11 July 2022 by Geetikamalik

The man who killed Shinzo Abe believes that the former Japanese leader was associated with religious groups that were blamed for their mother’s financial destruction and spent months planned attacks with homemade weapons, the police told local media on Saturday.

Tetsuya Yamagami, a 41 -year -old child who is unemployed, was identified as a suspect for alleged murder on Friday after a man was seen in the video repeatedly displayed on Japanese television quietly approaching the longest prime minister in Japan from behind and shooting.

I guess and competed with Shaggy’s hair, the suspect was seen stepping to the road behind Abe, who stood on the riser at the intersection, before dismantling two shots from a 40 cm long weapon (16 inches) wrapped in black ribbons. He was handled by the police at the scene.

Yamagami is a loner who does not answer when spoken to, neighbors told Reuters. He believes Abe has promoted a religious group that his mother went bankrupt, said the Kyodo news agency, quoting an investigation source.

My mother is wrapped in religious groups and I hate her, “Kyodo and other domestic media quoted him as a police officer.

Police Nara refused to comment on the details reported by Japanese media about Yamagami’s motives or preparations.

The Yamagami jury swung weapons from spare parts purchased online, spent months planning the attack, even attending other ABE campaign events, including one day before about 200 km (miles) away, said Media.

The suspect told the police that he made a weapon by wrapping a steel pipe along with tape, some of them with three, five or six pipes, with parts he bought online, NHK said.

The police found a bullet hole in a sign attached to the campaign van near the shooting location and believed they came from Yamagami, police said on Saturday. The video shows Abe turned towards the attacker after the first shot before squeezing to the ground after the second.

Yamagami lives on the eighth floor of a small plateau building. The ground floor is full of bars where customers pay to drink and chat with the lady of a woman’s house. One karaoke bar comes out of business.

The elevator stops only on three floors, cost savings design. Yamagami must go down and walk up the stairs to the flat.

One of his neighbors, a 69 -year -old woman who lived on the floor under him, saw him three days before Abe’s murder.

I greeted but he ignored me. He just looked down to the ground to the side not wearing a mask. He looked nervous, “the woman, who only gave her family name Nakayama, to Reuters. “Looks like I’m not visible. He seemed like something was bothering him. “

A Vietnamese woman who lives two doors from Yamagami who gave her name as Mai, said she seemed to look after herself. “I saw it several times. I bowed to him in the elevator, but he didn’t say anything. “A person named Tetsuya Yamagami served in maritime martial arts from 2002 to 2005, a spokesman for the Japanese Navy said, refused to say whether this was an alleged killer, as reported by the media.

Yamagami joined the training unit in Sasebo, the Main Navy Base in the Southwest, and was assigned to the Destroyer artillery department, the spokesman said. He was then assigned to a training ship in Hiroshima.

During their service, members of the defense train with ammunition live once a year. They also carried out damage and maintenance of weapons, “a senior navy officer told Reuters.

But when they follow the orders when they do it, it’s hard to believe that they get enough knowledge to be able to make weapons,” he said. Even soldiers who serve “for a long time do not know how to make weapons”.

The post Shinzo Abe killer wielded homemade gun, grudge over mother’s bankruptcy, police say first appeared on News On Sight.

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