Tech Magazine

Register Now to ‘Experience the World’ with Idea’s ’The Great Social Quest’

Posted on the 18 June 2015 by Devender Singh @DevenderSingh93

15 Days. 15 Countries. 15 Tasks.

Idea Great Social Quest

All of us discover and learn new things every day when we get onto internet- to search, to explore new things or to simply get information on any topic.  Idea Cellular, one of the leading telecom operators in India, has decided to take these learning experiences for netizens a notch up and is launching first-of-its-kind social media campaign – The Great Social Quest.

Given the rise in penetration of smartphones, people use social media to share their experiences with friends and family a lot more these days. Bringing an interesting twist to this, Idea will now reward these users for doing so with The Great Social Quest (#tgsq).

Centred on the theme Experience the World’, the contest will start form 20th of June, and will require contestants to complete innovative and exciting tasks. The 15 days’ long Quest on Facebook and Twitter, will require participants to complete 15 exciting tasks, each related to 15 different countries.

Interested enthusiasts need to first register on Website. Every day, for the next 15 days, a simple and exciting task will be announced at 11.00 am on and Participants will have 48 hours to complete the task and upload their performance on their own Facebook and/or Twitter accounts. More the number of Likes, Shares, Retweets and Favorites from friends and followers, more will be the points gained and greater the chances of winning exciting prizes including a swanky new ultraportable notebook along with an Idea3G Smartwifi Hub with mobile internet and iPads among other exciting prizes. There will also be brand new smartphones as prizes for all participants who stack up maximum points each day.

Adding to the twist and excitement, ‘The Great Social Quest’ will also feature wildcard entries on Day 5, allowing late entrants to gain lead over existing participants.

Registration for this unique contest has already begun and the contest will go live on the 20th of June, 2015. Further details can be found at Website or Idea (Facebook Page) Idea (Twitter Page).

Idea is one of the most engaging telecom brands on the social media, with 7.2 million Likes on Facebook and over 40,000 Followers on Twitter. The brand constantly engages with its audience on these platforms with a range of exciting campaigns.

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