Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Important: Blog Update

I will consolidate and merge this blog with my main blog as it takes too much time and effort to maintain 2 separate blogs while trying to look like I am adopting 2 different personas. It will take some time to transfer blog posts from this blog over to my main blog but rest assured that this blog will still stay with its old blog posts still intact so that followers will still be able to look for...

Friday, February 24, 2017

BeautyKeeper 美麗掌櫃 by Sample Store Review [Sponsored]

This review is proudly sponsored and brought to you by Sample Store. Any external images, if used, solely belong to their respective owners and not to me. I only re-link and use them as part of this review. Note that all views presented here are of my own and whether the product is sponsored or not,...

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Lifebuoy Antibacterial Body Wash Cool Fresh Review

WHAT IS IT: Lifebuoy Antibacterial Body Wash Cool Fresh THE PRODUCT(S): Lifebuoy Antibacterial Body Wash Cool Fresh: Regular bathing with Lifebuoy body wash helps to prevent the spread of germs. With advanced germ protection ingredient Active5, it's menthol extract helps you feel cool and fresh. The...

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The 10 Commandments of Foundation

So, I was browsing around YouTube, which in turned led me to Pinterest due to a particular series of videos that features makeup myths found on Pinterest. I found this informative tidbit and felt that I should share it with my readers. We all know the basics of foundation starts from clean skin all...

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Prizes Won [JĀSÖN Singapore]

Well, JĀSÖN Singapore had an awesome contest on Facebook and the rules are really simple to join. In fact, I think it's one of the best type of contest, instead of the usual voting type of contest where unscrupulous Facebook users always tend to cheat in. All contestants need to do is to stop the animated...

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Shopping Haul [Venus Beauty + The Body Shop]

I recently did a small shopping haul around my neighbourhood, partly because there's a new Venus Beauty outlet despite their location being under renovation recently. Well, the renovation is supposedly going to benefit stall owners and shoppers alike as there will be shelter from the sun and rain. And...

Friday, June 3, 2016

Samples Received & Redeemed: May 2016

First off, my humble apologies for taking so long to write up this monthly post. My Canon camera is in the midst of douche-ness since I've been trying to charge it since 2 to 3 weeks ago, but it time, the battery bar just refused to fill up. It's not even charging at all, despite having the correct...

Friday, May 13, 2016

No blog updates until 18th May 2016

My apologies, I'm not feeling well and won't be able to commit 100% here. Life sucks a little for females every month due to this natural occurrence called Menstruation and mine is always the heavy and painful variety and the pain always lasts for exactly almost 1 week in all. However, if the pains do slowly subside, I'll resume blogging at the earliest convenience. Meanwhile, posts will be limited...

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The real reason you can't lose weight

Why do most dieters put all the weight they lose back on ... and often a bit more too? It's not lack of willpower or not enough exercise. Nor is it motivation. So why is it so hard ... and is there any point ever going on a diet again? ~Image Source: Fitness Bin~ It's easier to quit smoking than...