Legal Magazine

One Killed and Two Injured, Cass & 20th, St. Louis, Missouri

Posted on the 01 March 2013 by Caglelawfirm @ZCagle

One Killed and Two Injured, Cass & 20th, St. Louis, MissouriA 22 year old St. Louis man was killed in a two-car accident on Cass Avenue and 20th Street in St. Louis, Missouri.  According to investigating officers and The St. Louis Post Dispatch, the two cars collided and caused the man’s car to spin out of control, overturn and strick a fire hydrant and light.  The driver and the passenger in the other car, a 29 year old man and a 37 year old woman were taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. It is unknown as to what extent of their injuries are at this time.

Police say the young man’s car and the other car were both heading west in the left lane of Cass Avenue. When a driver noticed the young man’s car coming up quickly behind them, the driver moved to the right lane. At about the same time, the man’s car moved to the right lane as well and then the two cars collided.

The St. Louis Police Department’s accident reconstruction units are investigating.  At The Cagle Law Firm, we know that investigating soon after a crash is critical to determining cause.  Cause can be many factors from impairment to inattentiveness and weather.  From just reading the newspaper article, it is impossible to determine the cause or fault, thus a thorough investigation must occur.  At our firm, we work with reconstruction experts that investigate to determine all possible causes in addition to the police department’s investigation.

If you have been injured in an auto accident, you may be questioning whether or not you need an  attorney.  No one likes to get an attorney unless they have inherited a lot of money or won the lottery. But, an attorney and the right legal representation can make a big difference in your life.  Our clients only want what is fair.  After a traumatic auto accident, you and your family are concentrating on moving forward with your lives and dealing with injuries, medical care and possible loss of loved ones.  You should never have to do that alone or without a professional to help oversee that your interests are protected.  Negotiating with insurance companies is never on your top ten list of fun things to do and certainly not if you have suffered an injury or a loss.  Insurance companies negotiate for a living—shouldn’t you have a professional to negotiate for you?

We assist individuals and families sort through complexities of insurance and legal proceedings following a motor vehicle accident.  Sometimes, individuals are not sure if they need an attorney. Some indicators to let you know if you need an attorney include any one of the following criteria:  You have been physically injured; the accident was not your fault and you were injured; the other party is claiming it was your fault; or if you have lost a loved one due to the accident. If you are unsure if you have a personal injury or a wrongful death claim, you need to consult an attorney.  We actually advise that you consult several attorneys.  Personal injury attorneys offer free consultations, so take advantage of those and get the answers to questions that you may have.

It is hard to think about insurance and long term planning after such a shock and we are available seven days a week to answer any questions that you may have………we answer questions whether you have a case or not.  Call Zane T. Cagle at The Cagle Law Firm 1(800) 685-3302 for your free consultation.

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