Entertainment Magazine

Once Upon a Time’s Wonderland Spinoff Scoop: ABC Is Looking for Its Alice and More New Characters!

Posted on the 15 March 2013 by Bittersweet1975 @onceupon_fans

We’re not in Storybrooke anymore!

Ever since news broke that creators Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis were working on a spinoff, Once Upon a Time fans have been waiting with bated breath for news.

And guess what? We’ve finally got some major scoop to share about the new characters viewers will be meeting in the Wonderland-centric project, including Alice!

“We do have an idea that may or may not take place in Wonderland that will definitely have some new characters,” Kitsis told us at PaleyFest. “But at this point, it’s just kind of us tinkering in the laboratory, so we’re kind of trying to keep it secret before we unleash it.”

The pilot presentation, which is set to shoot in early April in Vancouver (where Once Upon a Time films), is currently casting three series regular roles.

Alice, a British twentysomething, is young but has already had a hard life and carries some emotional scars. Though she tries to hide it, she has a generous heart.

Next up: Amahl, who is Middle Eastern, attractive and soulful. Though he’s optimistic, which gives him a Zen dreaminess, he has an inner fire.

Finally there’s the sardonic adventurer The Knave, who is a loner and a heartbreaker. This man of action is loyal and possesses a strong moral center, despite his swagger. In the original book by Lewis Carroll, the Knave is on trial for tart burglary and Alice comes to his defense.

No word yet on the Mad Hatter role, which was portrayed by fan favorite Sebastian Stan on OUAT, but Kitsis said, “We don’t have plans to recast anyone.”

“This will be kind of its own thing,” Horowitz said of the spinoff in relation to Once Upon a Time, adding that the ABC hit will not be returning to Wonderland again this season.

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