Debate Magazine

Obama’s DOJ Considers “racist” and “anti-government” Americans to Be Domestic Terrorists

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Remember that 2008 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secret memo that identified Americans who love liberty, are “fiercely nationalistic,” “anti-global,” pro-life, pro-Second Amendment gun rights, Christian, and military veterans, to be “domestic terrorists”?

Now the POS is going one step further by creating a new position in the Department of Justice (DOJ) — the Domestic Terrorism Counsel — who is charged with coordinating investigations into “domestic terrorists,” specifically Americans who are “racist” (whatever that means) and “anti-government” (whatever that means).

Assistant Attorney General John Carlin

Eric Tucker reports for the AP, Oct. 14, 2015, that in a question-and-answer session after a George Washington University speech, Assistant Attorney General John Carlin, head of the DOJ’s national security division, said that while the international terror threat occupies the public attention, federal officials are just as concerned about domestic terrorism from Americans motivated by anti-government views and racist ideologies. 

Carlin said that Americans inspired by racial hatred (whatever that means) — but without any ties to established terror groups — are a “clear and present danger” to the public. He claimed that more Americans have been killed in recent years in attacks by domestic extremists than in attacks associated with international terrorist groups.

The new Domestic Terrorism Counsel will be the main point of contact for U.S. Attorney offices nationwide and will work to identify trends across cases, help shape strategy and analyze legal gaps that need to be closed.

By the latter the Obama administration seems to mean a specific legal gap between how the DOJ deals with “international” terrorists like Islamic State sympathizers and how it deals with “domestic terrorists.” In the case of IS sympathizers, they are routinely charged with providing material (financial) support to foreign terror groups. But, due to First Amendment concerns, there’s no comparable legal statute for “domestic terrorists” like Americans who aid white supremacist organizations.

Carlin said, “To do that for a group here would mean, based on who the group is and what they’re doing, that the entire group is designated as the terrorist group.” 

In other words, the DOJ is proposing that any and all Americans whom the Obama administration deems to be “racist” or “anti-government” would be designated as domestic terrorists. 

How does the Obama administration define “racist” or “anti-government”?:

  1. Is it by behavior, and if so, what specific behaviors constitute “racist” or “anti-government”?
  2. Or is the Obama administration defining “racist” and “anti-government” not just by behavior, but also by speech and thought? — which appears to be the case, given the administration’s identification of the First Amendment, with its guarantee of freedom of speech, as a legal obstacle to going after “domestic terrorists.”

Welcome to George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.

To the liberals=Democrats=Progressives=socialists=commies who are applauding this chilling new notion of “domestic terrorists”:

Today, “racist” and “anti-government” Americans are designated to be “domestic terrorists.” Tomorrow, the definition of “domestic terrorists” may well be expanded to include liberals.

To those Americans (and who knows how many illegal aliens) who had voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012:

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.

Founding Fathers were domestic terrorists

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