Family Magazine

Mummy My Eyes Don’t Close So I Can’t Go To Sleep

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum
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Its 1am and Kaiden, my darling 3 year old wakes up screaming, I rush to him. He is laid in bed rubbing his eyes.

“Mummy my knee hurts” he sobs

I rub it better and snuggle him back down, he nods back off so I retun to bed

Its 3am and Kaiden screams again

“Mummy my hand hurts” he says as I reach his bedroom door

By this time I can hardly keep my voice to a whisper, trying not to wake the other kids, its half whisper half growl.

“Kaiden, get into bed and get to sleep” – there does not look anything wrong with his arm, as hes sat up in bed reading a flaming book, with his night light on.

I go back to bed and yes you bet it just as I am nodding off it starts again …

“Mummy, Mummy”

I half get and half fall out of bed, thinking “For god sake now what?”

Reaching his bedroom door, far from happy to be woken yet again, he sits smiling at me

“Mummy my eyes don’t close, so I can’t go to sleep”

What the hell do you say to that? I could do nothing but laugh, which made him laugh. That was it he was wide awake. Bad move.

Thankfully after a cup of juice and a bowl of dry Weetos ( no milk) he finally fell asleep!

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