Current Magazine

Millionaire Hides Envelopes Of Real Money (Instead of Bitcoin) Around San Francisco

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Yahoo reports that a generous millionaire is hiding envelopes full of cash around San Francisco, and revealing clues to the locations on Twitter to lucky scavenger hunters.

One of the clues from @hiddencash was:

“Stand on top of the Caterpillar that’s close to the water.”

The winner of that money climbed an “abandoned bulldozer” to find the money.

3 Less Lucky Ways To Interpret The Above Clue

1. Rushing out to the bay with all your other caterpillar friends, to try to win some money, until a bunch of idiot humans start stepping on you to try to win free cash.

2. Rushing out with your caterpillar friends to the abandoned Caterpillar bulldozer near the water, only to have an idiot human turn on the machine and bulldoze you and all of your friends all the way to hungry seal lions that roam the water of San Francisco, and have heard caterpillars are a delicacy.

3. Standing on top of a large caterpillar who instantly transforms into a butterfly, flying you all the way to Petco Park in San Diego, which is a lousy destination considering the Bay Area’s San Francisco Giants and Oakland A’s are in first place right now.

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