Politics Magazine

#Metoo Nonsense: Why It Is Dangerous to Put Women in Power in Society

Posted on the 07 June 2018 by Calvinthedog

This is why it is dangerous to put women in power in society. They start instituting blatantly unjust and antiscientific nonsense because their feels tell them it’s the right thing to do. This is exactly what we are seeing with this #metoo insanity. Does anyone even know what Sexual Harassment even is? Nope. Does anyone even know what Sexual Misconduct (What an Orwellian notion that phrase is itself) is? Nope. No definition of Sexual Harassment. No definition of Sexual Misconduct nonsense.

Vague rules and laws are unconstitutional. You have to know what the laws is so you can figure out how not to break it. If you don’t even know what the law is, how can you figure out how to obey it?

Apparently the definitions of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct are entirely based on women’s feels. Not only that but they are based on the feels of  each individual female! So those phrases of law not only have no definition, but they probably have a separate definition for every woman in the country! How do you know what you are doing is Sexual Harassment or Sexual Misconduct? Because you gave some woman “uncomfortable” feels. How are you supposed to know what makes any given woman uncomfortable so you can figure out how not to do so? You can’t!

Furthermore, women will have one set of rules for Chad (he can pretty much do whatever he wants to her, and she won’t feel bad) and another set of rules for Normans and Omegas. Say you see Chad walk up to a woman and say something and watch the woman swoon. He leaves and now you walk up to her and say the exact same thing Chad said to her, and she flips out, screams Sexual Harassment, and you lose your job or get thrown out of the establishment.

So not only does each individual woman have a separate unknowable definition of Sexual Harassment/Misconduct, each individual woman also has a separate unknowable definition of  Sexual Harassment/Misconduct for every new man she encounters!

It’s almost like something out of a Kafka novel, say The Trial, where the man is arrested, jailed and prosecuted but never learns the charges against him and no one else seems to know what they are either.

Thanks to feminism, modern women have left us men unmoored in a Kafkaesque nightmare. Thanks a lot, ladies!

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