Art & Design Magazine

Merry Christmas from Luciano Bove to All of You!

By Luciano
Merry Christmas from Luciano Bove to all of you!
Dear friends,
2011 has been a great year for this blog and myself. Almost a year ago I decided to open the first page for this blog on Facebook and today we are 1748!
In August 2011 I opened my professional page "Luciano Bove car designer" on FB and we are 289, via Feeds 753 people read this blog via email or google reader or other systems online, via Google Firend Connect I have 254 followers, via Linkedin several friends follow and comment my posts on car design education.
Professionally it has been also a very good year with lots of interesting stuff...
So I would like to wish  you the best Christmas ever, most of all THANK YOU for following this blog. I keep on writing because you are there and our objective is to make this blog grow more to serve you spread the word in school and between your friends.
Thanks for visiting Roger Blanchard automotive artist
Merry Christmas!

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