Art & Design Magazine


By Colloquial Wordsmiths

We’re a crew here. We’re blue jumpsuits in the

monochrome dress code. They’ve got secret piercings of

perspectives running

against their belly-buttons and out, we’ve got those as poetry on our

tongues. They talk in big words stolen off Oxford and

we’re still the love children of manifestation. We have Flemish faces full of


but heads filled with more than Austen, we speak

fluent Bukowski. In the land of Vedas we’re unafraid

alchemists – what we want? Only sore face truth.

We scream into thin air after the show’s over, only for its just us who

 know about the 3.14 in urban wisdom:

expression began at creoles, poetry, long

before ripped the fire into

flames. So remember comrades, they’ll be here at the frontiers with big guns and long treaties-

we’re the love children of

manifestation;  with small knives of peace rusting the rest of our thighs, in anticipation.

We’re the brothers taking the pain, not the ones kissing the filthy microphones.

We’re the sisters who bring the fallen up, not the ones talking away the wounds deeper.

We’re the children of minds, of manifestation, not the superficial adolescents.

We speak fluent poetry we had in our mouths since bloody birth, not art that’s none less than the guns.

We’re the generation of tensors, not the cliché of scalar GenX.

We don’t listen to you mate, we listen to the swooning heartbeat we can’t ignore, we don’t change our   poetry for the skin deep, we don’t learn art; we are it.

Don’t tell the other love children of manifestation they can

write in synonyms and paint

 in-frames; don’t tell them

that big words and foolish techniques can out- power the voice. Don’t

tell them they can’t learn prose but tell

them can’t learn poetry that

they’re born with. Don’t tell them they do

not fit the hierarchy when they’re valiant soldiers,


We’re the love children of manifestation my love, we don’t speak, we love.



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