Lifestyle Magazine

Love Bridal and the Best of the North West — Behind the Scenes

By Claire

The deal is this: if you didn’t see the Love Bridal launch on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog ear­lier this week, please do check out the North West’s most exclu­sive bridal bou­tique, owned by the lovely Emma and Jonny Draper. Love Bridal was launched with the help of 14 great wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers from Man­ches­ter and Cheshire in The Best of the North West. You can see my favorite images — one per pho­tog­ra­pher — by click­ing my favorite Love Bridal images.

When you’ve read all about the launch, you can join me to enjoy and have a gig­gle at the behind the scenes images which were shared by wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers Jonny Draper and Neil Red­fern. We’re about to get up close and per­sonal with some of the gor­geous acces­sories and wed­ding dresses from Love Bridal — and to see what wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers look like, both in flight and upside down. Seemed just right for a Friday!

Love Bridal Bou­tique launch — behind the scenes

Love Bridal boutique launch (11)

The ‘Best of the North West’ shoot which helped launch Love Bridal Bou­tique took place at Cheshire’s custom-built wed­ding venue, Styal Lodge.

Love Bridal boutique launch (1)

14 of the best wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers in the North West joined forces to pho­to­graph the beau­ti­ful designer col­lec­tions from Love Bridal.

Love Bridal boutique launch (3)

The team also included wed­ding sup­pli­ers from make up to hair­dress­ing, flow­ers to beau­ti­ful designer acces­sories — and the gor­geous mod­els, of course! (Sonara Parker applies the model’s make up, above)

Love Bridal boutique launch (4)

Some of the lovely designer acces­sories at Love Bridal include tiaras and head­pieces by Halo and Co

Love Bridal boutique launch (5)

More designer labels avail­able from Love Bridal: Vivien Sher­iff is just one

Love Bridal boutique launch (6)

The team at work in the bridal room at Styal Lodge. Emma Draper, owner of Love Bridal Bou­tique, is the one in the blue dress.

Love Bridal boutique launch (7)

Every­one involved in the shoot has told me they had a won­der­ful time work­ing closely with real friends to pho­to­graph the Love Bridal col­lec­tions. It really does look like fun.

Love Bridal boutique launch (8)

Set­ting the scene at Styal Lodge

Love Bridal boutique launch (9)

Love Bridal’s design­ers are Balbier/Wyatt, Terry Fox, Alan Han­nah and Intuzuri

Love Bridal boutique launch (10)

Hair­dresser Amy Dar­ring­ton at work

Pho­tograph­ing the Love Bridal Launch…

The full list of wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers involved in the shoot to launch Love Bridal Bou­tique is at the bot­tom of this blog post. They’re all peo­ple I’ve met — either online or in real life — through Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog and I love their work. The stars of this part of the blog post are most cer­tainly Neil Red­fern and Jonny Draper… whose images are divine:

Love Bridal behind the scenes (15)

One of my favorite images from the shoot from Neil Red­fern — hid­ing in the bushes clearly pays off (as you’re about to see)

Love Bridal behind the scenes (3)

A behind the scenes image from Jonny Draper — the draped fab­ric at Styal Lodge looks beautiful…

Love Bridal behind the scenes (4)

… and fits this ‘behind the scenes blog post! Shall we begin?

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers at work… and play

Love Bridal behind the scenes (13)

Work starts early with bridal prepa­ra­tions as some of Cheshire’s best wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers dart out of cor­ners with cam­eras at the ready (Hello, Lawsons!)

Love Bridal behind the scenes (14)

For some, break­fast alone is a delight!

Love Bridal behind the scenes (1)

Four beau­ti­ful brides on set at the launch…

Love Bridal behind the scenes (12)

Out­side, wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers grad­u­ally emerge from the bushes.

Love Bridal behind the scenes (11)

and approach the mod­els one by one.

Love Bridal behind the scenes (16)

Soon, they’re everywhere!

Love Bridal behind the scenes (18)

Jonny Draper points the wrong way, not real­is­ing there’s a model in the lit­tle shed.

Love Bridal behind the scenes (17)

This is Adam. He’s shy.

Love Bridal behind the scenes (8)

Anurag dis­ap­pears into the under­growth, pixie-like, for some of his pics

Love Bridal behind the scenes (19)

While the Law­sons kid­nap a model of their own and avoid the crowds.

Love Bridal behind the scenes (7)

Neil finds a para­chute and leaves the pack to go and play. (No Neil, this isn’t the best one…)

Love Bridal behind the scenes (6)

Soon they’re all see­ing if they can fly with Neil’s parachute.

Love Bridal behind the scenes (2)

Helped by some of the more sen­si­ble pho­tog­ra­phers (note they’re girls), one of the mod­els makes a run for it

Love Bridal behind the scenes (20)

The organ­is­ers of the shoot lay on trans­port, LA style.

Love Bridal behind the scenes (24)

The per­fect image is achieved with dig­nity and grace on the jetty at Styal Lodge

Love Bridal behind the scenes (21)

As the day goes on, some of the wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers find they need a lit­tle rest.

Love Bridal behind the scenes (22)

Anurag pre­tends he’s still work­ing and has a lit­tle nap too.

Love Bridal behind the scenes (23)

Adam is still hiding…

Love Bridal behind the scenes (9)

Neil admires one of Anurag’s cameras

Love Bridal behind the scenes (10)

and shortly after­wards, eats him.

Neil Red­fern told me, “There were so many amaz­ing pho­tog­ra­phers at the shoot but the really great thing was that there was lit­er­ally no com­pe­ti­tion between us, it felt more like a load of friends just hav­ing a laugh. I really love that. Had we done the shoot and not known each other it would have been a totally dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence but the fact it wasn’t showed just how close we are, and that was the nicest thing about it.”

The shoot itself was really great fun and it was great to see all the dif­fer­ent styles of images we all shot. It’s really good to see that, all though we were all shoot­ing more or less the same thing, all our images look very different.”

The Best of the North West - wedding photographers, taken by Shutterleaf

The Best of the North West — wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers, taken by Anurag (Shut­ter­leaf Photography)

The Best of the North West — from left to right

Lizzie (model), Amy (hair), Laura Simp­son (Lau­rel Weddings), Poppy Higham (Styal Lodge), Emma B, Jonty Years­ley (JAY), Sonara Parker (MUA), Tom Har­ring­ton (Silk Wed­ding Videos), Jonny Draper, Emma Draper, Adam John­son - ARJ, Han­nah - HDM, Pete Law­son, Sam Clayton, Liam Crawley, Laura Lawson, Neil Redfern, Hannah Prit­tie (Han­nah Beatrice), Anurag Sharma (Shutterleaf), Lucy West, Alex D

Wed­ding sup­plier cred­its for the Love Bridal / Best of the North West pho­tog­ra­phy launch:

Wed­ding photographers:

Other wed­ding suppliers:

Bridal design­ers involved in the Love Bridal shoot:

You can find out more details about Love Bridal and their design­ers at To be kept up to date with the lat­est news fol­low Love Bridal on face­book or on twit­ter @love_bridal

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