Dining Out Magazine

Les Saisons in the 9th: "The Best I've Ever Had" They Say Again.

By Johntalbott

March-aprl 2012 170

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Les Saisons in the 9th is a place that I was astonished by a month ago and I took Colette and our downstairs' pals today and our reception approximated the Second Coming.  My goodness.

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Colette skipped a first but Paga had the Scots salmon with horseradish sauce he declared (once again) nearly perfect and I certainly agreed; Madame and my decontructed artichoke barigoule was pretty damn good as well.

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Then he had one of the two daily specials, the boudin noir which he declared equally approached perfection and Colette and I had the other special, a fine piece of turbot with asparagus and mashed potatoes (not pictured), while Elan had an onglet of veal with asparagus and pleurotes which inched towards the perfect piece of beef country.

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For desserts, Paga and Colette had the crumble of strawberries and rhubarb which broke his "best I've ever had run", Madame had a sabayon with strawberries which everyone but she loved and I had a Baba which Colette said was "the best she's ever had."  My goodness, you'd think these three lived on a desert isle.

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We had started off with a Bordeaux which Colette deemed "bitter" and revenging herself ordered a 1 E pricier bio Languedoc.  With these, plus fine bread and butter, no bottled water but four coffees our bill per couple was 96 E.

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