
Is Joe Biden Too Old To Be President? Buzz In US Grows Louder

Posted on the 12 July 2022 by Geetikamalik

Is Joe Biden too old to become president?

This is a question that has provided extensive animal feed for Republican and right -wing outlets, while Democrats and most American media are reluctant to talk about it.

But when the oldest person who was chosen to the top US office prepares for a tiring Middle East tour, debate increases because of his clear desire to run again in 2024.

This problem places the Democrats in a difficult position because there is no clear alternative for Biden – which is 80 years old on November 20.

He is suitable to be president now. But he is too old for the next election,” Atlantic concluded in a recent article, while sharply criticizing the right wing claim that Biden suffered from dementia.

Disappointment with Biden goes far in his own camp, with a New York Times poll released Monday shows that 64 percent of Democratic voters will prefer other candidates in 2024. His age is referred to as the main reason for those who want change.

The president will be 82 years old at the beginning of the second term, and 86 in his conclusion. In comparison, Ronald Reagan was 77 when he left the office in 1989.

“Biden’s age has become an uncomfortable problem for him and his party,” wrote The New York Times on Saturday, describing the White House that has become a protector, even anxious.

Like its predecessors, Biden has a tiring responsibility, from the war in Ukraine and inflation that escaped to the violence of weapons that disturb the country and the Supreme Court which is very conservative.

Calm weekend

Of course there are many Americans who are jealous of their health, with the examination last November concluded that he was a “strong” man who suffered a mild problem with acid reflux and arthritis.

But his appearance betrayed the great victim taken by the office: his white hair was getting thinner, the style of walking was careful.

He sometimes loses thoughts or tripping when reading from teleprompter, and stuttering that he overcomes as a child regularly reappears.

The White House has several times have to walk back with the President’s words about sensitive diplomatic problems.

Biden gave fewer conferences and news interviews rather than his predecessor, preferred to publish OP-ED in newspapers, content that can be controlled carefully.

On weekends, he often disappeared to one of his two houses in Delaware for two or three days. The White House correspondent only saw it once, from a distance, when he went to Mass.

And when G7 leaders posed for photos at the top of June, it was impossible to ignore the age gap between Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, 50, or French President Emmanuel Macron, 44.

‘Life starts at 80!’

But his maids defended him with enthusiasm, with senior advisor Mike Donilon told The New York Times that the President wanted to “spend four hours plan how we operate on domestic policies, when all younger staff want to do it is sleeping” on the plane.

Biden, after a bicycle accident under age but was widely published on June 18, made a point to return to the saddle on Sunday and joke about his misunderstanding with reporters.

The president is far from exceptions to American politics, where many key players are more than 70 years old, including his predecessor Donald Trump, who is currently 76 years old.

Trump – Potential of 2024 Republican candidates – know the age card is played well, and wants to use it.

“There are many people in their 80s, and even the 90s, who are as good and sharp as usual. Biden is not one of them, but has nothing to do with his age. In reality, life begins at the age of 80 years!” Trump wrote on his social media platform.

Related to young voters?

Beyond health problems, there are also political questions about how a president who was born during World War II can remain in contact with younger Americans.

How did he respond, for example, against young demonstrators who protested in front of the White House against the Supreme Court to remove federal rights for abortion?

Biden does not have a clear answer, saying: “Continue to protest. Continue to make your intention. This is very important.”

According to the morning consultation poll conducted in April and May, only 43 percent of Democrats between the ages of 18 and 34 believed that Biden kept his promise.

But who can replace him? Skeptic commentators about the chances of the 57 -year -old Vice President Kamala Harris, who will become a natural candidate if Biden is attractive.

A party guard party, such as Governor California Gavin Newsom, 54, or 40 -year -old transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg, will be another choice.

The post Is Joe Biden Too Old To Be President? Buzz In US Grows Louder first appeared on - In-Depth, Latest and Fastest News Porta.

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