Animals & Wildlife Magazine

India: Selling Out To Monsanto. GMOs and the Bigger Picture

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

India: Selling Out To Monsanto. GMOs and the Bigger PictureOn 15 August, India will mark its 67th anniversary of independence from Britain. It may seem strange to some that a nation would publicly celebrate its independence while at the same time it less publicly cedes it to outsiders. The gleaming façade of flags and fly-pasts will belie the fact that national security and independence do not depend on military might and patriotic speeches. Eye-catching celebrations will take place in Delhi and much of the media will mouth platitudes about the strength of the nation and its independence. The reality is, however, an ongoing, concerted attempt to undermine and destroy the very foundation and security of the country.”


Thanks to Humans in Shadow and Spirit and Animal for reporting on this article.

GR:  It is painful to compare old films of India’s hopeful, jubilant national attitude and plans for a great future after independence, with conditions today.  We underestimated the power of human nature, especially our innate desires and fears.  Some of the worst elements of our nature are desire to reproduce, desire for wealth,fear of competitors, and fear of strangers.

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