Community Magazine

I Meant What I Said and I Said What I Meant …

By Gran13

a white dogThanks to Dr. Seuss for writing the delightful children’s book: Horton the Elephant, full of catchy jingles. Well, I have made up my own silly one about a dog which is based on one of his … to suit my blog today.

‘I meant what I said and I said what I meant – dogs are faithful one hundred percent’.

I’ve read about psychiatric service dogs but only recently met someone who has one. A service dog is trained to assist its owner who has a psychiatric disability. How can one of these dogs help? If his master becomes dizzy due to his medication, the dog is trained to call for help or even to pick up any dropped item.  If a psychiatric patient becomes disorientated when he/she dissociates and wanders off, the dog is trained to stop that person from getting lost as he has been trained to guide him/her home.

The love, warmth and faithfulness provided by one of these dogs is irreplaceable.


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