Self Expression Magazine

How To Reward Your Employees For A Job Well Done

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Reward Your Employees Working From Home

Sometimes it's easy to forget about your employees or freelancers. That sounds rude, but it's sadly the truth. Especially today while everyone is working from home.

You don't do it on purpose, it's more that you become so used to how your business operates. You see it as more of a machine with moving parts than an organization with real people.

As a consequence, your team can sometimes feel neglected and devalued. This is really bad as it often leads to people quitting their job and going somewhere else. If you're lucky, they find a completely different job. If you're unlucky, they join your rivals and make it even harder to succeed.

One of the fundamental aspects of a successful business is keeping your retention rate high. This is made possible if your employee satisfaction levels are through the roof. Clearly, you have lots of tactics to achieve this! For me, rewarding your employees is arguably the best thing to do.

How To Reward Your Employees For A Job Well Done

It shows your appreciation for their work and ensures they gain recognition for a job well done. With that in mind, here are the top ways to reward your hardworking employees:

One of the fundamental aspects of a successful business is keeping your retention rate high. #InspireToThrive Click To Tweet

Corporate Gifts

Handing out gifts to your employees is a clever way of rewarding them. It will blow your mind how many diverse corporate gift ideas for employees you can find. There's honestly something to appeal to all of your employees, regardless of their tastes.

Little gifts like this are excellent as they're personal. It shows that you've taken the time to understand what your employees like, then gone out and bought them something.

This is a brilliant way of inspiring loyalty within the ranks.

Little gifts like this are excellent as they're personal. It shows that you've taken the time to understand what your employees like, then gone out and bought them something. Click To Tweet

Free Food/Drink

I like the idea of giving free food/drink as a reward because it's something you can do consistently. For example, at the end of each month, you can go out for a meal with your team. Or, take your team out for lunch or dinner.

It's all paid for by the company, so your employees can eat and drink for free. This has a celebratory air to things, and it can also increase the bond between team members. Plus, as it's something you can do consistently, it ensures your employees are constantly being rewarded for working hard.

How To Reward Your Employees For A Job Well Done

For those working from home, you can provide gift cards to local restaurants or food services like Hello Fresh.

A Pay Rise to Reward Your Employees

Obviously, you can't hand out pay rises every time someone does a good job. However, you can increase employee wages periodically over the years. Even a slight increase year after year will go a long way to retaining your staff.

Ultimately, this is the best reward someone can get as a rise will help them in all aspects of their life. You could also take a slightly similar approach and hand out bonuses at the end of each year.

This is a great way of showing thanks for all the work your employees have done for you. I've done this with my social media freelancers here at Inspire To Thrive.

End of the Day

Ultimately, this is the best reward someone can get as a rise will help them in all aspects of their life. #InspireToThrive Click To Tweet

At the end of the day, your business wouldn't exist without your employees. They are the parts that make the machine run smoothly! Don't neglect them, and make sure that you always reward them for working hard. This boosts employee retention rates and helps your company succeed.

How are you rewarding your employees or freelancers that work for you today? I'd love to know more in the comments below!

How To Reward Your Employees For A Job Well Done

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