Current Magazine

Health Care Management Innovation Empowers Employees with Medical Decisions

Posted on the 13 March 2014 by Biznewsday

LAS VEGAS – There is hope yet for employees and businesses who remain dire opponents of the Affordable Care Act.

LifeStrive is a company working to make good on that hope by redesigning health care in the workplace to save American consumers and business owners from the “real threat of national bankruptcy,” according to the LifeStrive Group, which describes itself as a healthcare industry leader in personal risk factor monitoring.

“We make it possible for every healthcare consumer to become more personally health-responsible and less dependent on the medical care system,” the company states on its website. “Our customers are equipped with direct access to the lab tests and web-based assessment tools that enable them to learn about their unique health risks, track their actual health trend over time AND learn how tens of thousands of others are improving on similar health challenges and trends.”

LifeStrive says its success is a result from its innovative use of web-based technology platforms, medical supervision and the knowledge gathered from large communities of healthcare consumers wanting to get well and remain healthy.

As the partner of choice for a growing number of American companies interested in solving the looming health and medical cost crisis, LifeStrive offers an innovative concept that reconciles the financial burden in health care management for businesses with 1,000 employees or more.

Introduced as TrendShift America, this campaign provides a self-funding real time enterprise management system that puts the company in control of its own employee health care process.

“When employees can gain control of their own health, they not only save their life in many cases but save the business healthcare system additional expense,” said Larry Hobson, president of the Antelope Valley Business Professional Network (AVBizPro), who was recently introduced to the TrendShift concept through representatives of LifeStrive. “With today’s economy one has to save (money), and the less employees that are under doctors’ care or in the hospital, the more reliable the employee is (to the company).”

In summary, Trendshift offers a company the ability for employees to make positive and corrective changes to their lifestyle by providing thorough data that monitors their health.


According to Hobson, the system proposed through the TrendShift campaign administers two blood tests a year for an employee, allowing a lab to run a blood panel on the employee. The employee is given his or her own computer portal to check and monitor their own blood test.

This blood work gives the person a readout of their blood test results and enables the TrendShift campaign to counsel the employee on what life changes are needed to improve a desired level of health.

“Then they re-check in six months and see if the employee has made the life changes,” Hobson reported.

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To a central role in solving the nation’s imminent medical expense crisis is an enormous task to live up to. But LifeStrive brings an enormous innovation to the health care management.

According to its website at, America already has $35 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities for Medicare alone, equating to $400,000 per U.S. household and our medical expenses are doubling every seven years now.

Though much of the Healthcare Reform debate focuses on changes to payer/ insurance systems and how to fund more medical care for the sick, LifeStrive believes the most fundamental and readily available solutions are being overlooked.

The answer proposed by LifeStrive is a ‘Healthcare Re-Design’ through their TrendShift America campaign.

“Healthcare Re-Design involves re-purposing a small percentage of Health Plan dollars from simply paying medical costs, after-the-fact (post diagnosis) to investing in proactive disease prevention,” according to the LifeStrive Group. “This is readily understood as ‘Avoiding the Avoidable’.”

Additional information on TrendShift is available on the LifeStrive website at

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