Hang Out With The Real Donkey From “Shrek” in San Francisco

Posted on the 06 July 2022 by Geetikamalik

If you go to San Francisco, be sure to use some flowers in your hair. And maybe visiting Perry the donkey who is a model for donkeys in Dream works Hit “Shrek.”

Perry lives in Taman Bol Palo Alto and you can hang out with him. He is the donkey of Jerusalem who was born in New York and moved to Stanford to be a soothing influence on the polo horse. If you visit Perry, you can say that they are donkeys used in “Shrek.” Because they use Perry videos and images, you can see donkeys in the way he moves, brays and breathing.

The post Hang Out With The Real Donkey From “Shrek” in San Francisco first appeared on Technology Magazine.