Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Growing Food, Not Lawns: One Woman’s Search for Meaning

By Beccachopra @BeccaChopra

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While I usually review spiritually inspirational books, this book inspires us to be healthier in mind, body, and spirit, by getting back in touch with Mother Earth… a great way to get grounded and balance your Root Chakra.

A 2005 report noted that there are an astounding 40 million acres of lawn grass in the U.S., all the while vast “food deserts” bloom only with colorful graffiti in urban areas where residents have limited or no access to fresh produce.

From the Ground Up chronicles the author’s personal circuitous journey from a suburban society of sand wedges, cream-colored cardigans and Georgian mansions perched on spacious lawns, to a commune of dirt-stained clogs where materialism was discarded to compost the heirloom field peas destined for tomorrow night’s dinner.

Eventually, through a fascinatingly-narrated series of life’s twists and turns, Jeanne Nolan landed back in her home state and following in the footsteps of Abby Mandel and Alice Waters, found her life’s passion working with inner city groups to plant and nurture roof-top and vacant lot areas into gardens of Eden. There, she describes food and hope and team efforts flourishing side-by-side and sunlight beaming warmly on smiling faces even on the grayest and most bleak days.

I especially like Jeanne’s Appendix where she offers a list of inspirational resources for aspiring gardeners, whether individuals or community groups, to get started, or to continue their growth. Bottom line, whether you have been thinking of starting a garden or have the greenest thumb around, you will enjoy this book.


Becca Chopra, author of Chakra Secrets (which is free on Amazon Kindle, today, July 19th and Saturday, July 20th)

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