Lifestyle Magazine

Fearless Bridal — Pronovias French Lace Meets Urban Brambles…

By Claire

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Fear­less Bridal with Lon­don wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Yolande De Vries

Fear­less Bridal means you get to have a great time doing what­ever the hell you like in your wed­ding dress — but def­i­nitely not drink­ing cham­pagne and eat­ing canapes on a per­fectly main­tained lawn!

Lon­don wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Yolande De Vries describes Fear­less Bridal as “one of my secret guilty plea­sures… it is the per­fect oppor­tu­nity for a bride to wear her wed­ding dress again and have a fun and indi­vid­ual pho­tog­ra­phy ses­sion in a loca­tion and set­ting that con­trasts her wed­ding day.

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Why choose Fear­less Bridal?

The star of this par­tic­u­lar Fear­less Bridal shoot is wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Anneli Mari­novich, who says “I always knew I wanted to wear my wed­ding dress again after our wed­ding day, so when Yolande (dear friend and fab­u­lous pho­tog­ra­pher) sug­gested a Fear­less Bridal Shoot late last year I instantly knew that it would be very dif­fer­ent from the set­ting we had for our very pretty sea­side wed­ding in Cape Town.

It was awe­some wear­ing my dress again and really hav­ing fun with it – not wor­ry­ing that it would get dirty (as most brides do on the wed­ding day) and I have to say, the lace was incred­i­bly tough – I got caught in bram­bles a few times, hopped on to a fence and even lay down on a cement plat­form, and not one sin­gle tear!

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Yolande De Vries, Lon­don wed­ding photographer

Yolande was very easy to work with and I was relaxed & com­fort­able being pho­tographed while we chat­ted away (quite a sur­prise see­ing that I usu­ally pre­fer being behind the cam­era instead). A big thank you to Yolande for cap­tur­ing my love for my wed­ding dress in such an awe­some set­ting and for being com­pletely fear­less in her cre­ative approach to the shoot. I would rec­om­mend a Fear­less Bridal Shoot with Yolande to any and all brides!

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To make an enquiry about your own Fear­less Bridal pho­tog­ra­phy shoot — or per­haps to book one for a friend as a very spe­cial gift expe­ri­ence, visit and con­tact Yolande through her website.

For Lon­don wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy enquiries visit and to find out more about Yolande and her wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy why not click through to her very own Eng­lish Wed­ding Show­case Page?

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